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Hello hello and welcome to my first ever werewolf story!

I'm honestly so excited to share this with all of you - the ideas have been bouncing around in my head for the longest of times and I think I'm ready now for you all to share in the madness that is Pandora's Curse.

I've only got the skeleton of the story line so far: I know where we'll start, where we're going and where we'll end up, but the journey itself is a mystery I'm yet to discover. A journey I'd love to embark on with you all, strapped in with your favourite bevvy on the side. 

I'll try to update regularly on Saturdays but this story is the side piece in my literary relationship so I might not invest as much time in it as I would XERO, my main story. Please bare with me on that, as my best is all I can do.

This story is copyright protected.

Covers are done by myself - feel free to admire xD - character boards are by 

Pandora's Curse will alternate between two Points Of View (POV), which will be announced at the start of the chapter in a short author's note, so make sure to pay attention! If you catch any spelling mistakes or plot holes, please please please, tell me in the comments, and let me know what you think.

I'm so gassed for you guys to see this; I've been working on this for so long now. It's been a very long process but here we are!

So without further ado...

Lights, camera, action!

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