Chapter 1: First Days and Spilt Smoothies

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Chapter 1: First Days and Spilt Smoothies

Today is my first day at my new school: Eastmont Academy.

It's a boarding school that my parents have wanted me to apply for ever since they discussed it with my two best friends' parents. My two best friends are called Ally Brooke Hernandez and Camila Cabello. They can sing, dance, and play multiple instruments. Me? I do enjoy singing and playing piano & guitar, but I would never let them know that. They would mock me till days end, playfully as friends do, of course. Besides, to them, I'm the clever one; the one with the straight A's and perfect attendance record. That's how I got into this school. A scholarship.

In my old middle school and high school, Green Penrith School, I was known as a shy, nerdy, secluded girl that everyone made fun of. It's not that I chose to be, it's just that I have a habit of feeling awkward and nervous around others; so I basically just suck at being human. But now, I made a promise to myself that I will change and try to make friends. I want to be 'cool' I guess. And hopefully, that will happen.

Backpack on my back and two suitcases rolling behind me, I descend into the entrance of the girl's dormitory building. I already received my room key and details in the post a few weeks ago, so now it's just a matter of me finding the right room.

I notice that there are many girls my age, all in the same boat as me. There are also some guys about my age here too. I assume they have already found their rooms and settled in, so are probably here to find friends or something. Which reminds me, I should probably let Ally and Camila know I'm here after settling in.

The three of us have been inseparable since kindergarten where we met after I shared my juice carton and cookies with them on the first day at break-time. Ah, the good old days where it was easy to make friends as no one cared who you were. Also known as the days where I wasn't socially awkward. Ever since then, we stick together and always look out for each other. When I used to get made fun of, they always used to stick up for me and I can't be more appreciative, although it does get a little embarrassing sometimes.

The smell of lavender air freshener breaks me out of my thoughts, most likely sprayed in the lobby to make a good impression on all the newbies, aka me. I then remember I'm in room 13 on floor 7, so I make my way to the overused elevator on the far side of the main hall, passing many bustling students with their luggage. Everyone is too focused on their own lives to notice people like me looking as lost as ever, which I guess I'm kind of grateful for; it just prolongs them knowing my awkward self. I press the slightly rusted metal button and wait for the elevator to come.

As I wait, I think about how this semester will go. I've never been to a boarding school before, so I wonder if it will be fun to live here? Hopefully, I'll get Camila and Ally as my roommates. I mean, we did write to the school like a gazillion times asking them if we can be put together, so hopefully they got the hint.

The elevator doors slide open, breaking my chain of thought, and I step inside, hitting the correct button for my floor. Another girl walks in holding a smoothie, and hits a button on the panel before the doors shut. There is an awkward silence between us that only I probably notice. Maybe it's me just thinking it's awkward when it's actually not. Maybe I'm just overthinking as usual. Yep, I'm just overthinking.

This could be my chance to make a new friend. I guess I can try to speak to her. I mean, it won't hurt to get to know someone, will it?

As I am about to speak, the elevator doors slide open, signalling that we've stopped at a floor, but not mine. Someone else walks in, and I don't think much of it until I pay attention.

I don't believe my eyes. It can't be her. It isn't. Is it? Oh god, let's hope she doesn't notice me.

"Y/N, is that you?" The raven-haired girl looks up at me in disbelief with her startling green eyes. I can never forget those eyes.

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