Chapter 22: New Songs and Angry Ashley's

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Chapter 22: New Songs and Angry Ashley's

After last week's incident, half the school couldn't stop gossiping about Lauren's song and how it was obviously for Ashley. Speaking of the devil, she left Lauren alone for the week (thank god), but I would always catch her looking at her in class and it bugged the life out of me.

Tonight, the girls are all going to be the opening act for karaoke night and are performing a song that both Lauren and I worked on together. It's really catchy and is an upbeat, fun type of song; the girls, Lauren especially, seem to love it as much as I do, so hopefully it will help Lauren to get over the deadly blonde.

The girls are currently standing by the stage and I'm there, reassuring them that they will be fine. Technically, it's their first ever live performance as a group, so there nerves are understandable. But they are seriously talented so they have nothing to worry about.

"He's introducing us now, girls," Ally points out to us all. We all stop talking and I feel Lauren's hand grip mine as we listen to their introduction.

"Now, last week we had a wonderful performance from Lauren Jauregui herself, but tonight, we have something different," Lennie introduces excitedly. "Normani Kordei, Ally Brooke Hernandez, Camila Cabello, Dinah Jane Hansen, and Lauren Jauregui have all come together as Fifth Harmony and are going to perform their original song: 'One Wish'!" (I love how you all thought it was Miss Movin On (with a few exceptions) but how can it be that if they did that for their EP and I said it was a new song, duhhhh 😉)

The crowd bursts into cheering and eruptions of clapping. A few wolf whistles are heard as the girls walk on stage, which is understandable. They looks absolutely stunning. I remain stood on the side of the stage, watching them with a proud smile.

Once the noise dies down, Lauren smiles widely, betraying her excitement. "Hey, everyone! We are Fifth Harmony and we are going to perform an original song which was written by our writer, Y/F/N and I. It's called 'One Wish'!" The crowd claps again and once they calm down, Lauren's excited grin slowly fades into a small smile. "As you know, I performed my song 'Shut Up and Love Me' last week. This is sort of a second part to that. I'm not going to name names, even though you all probably know who this is for, but you know who you are and I hope you get the hint. I hope you guys enjoy it!"

Everyone claps and I do too, smiling at the girls who are getting into formation behind their microphones. There's no choreography to this, but I'm sure that once they begin to get into the song, they will wing it.

The intro of the song plays through the speakers and I recognise it as what Lauren and I worked on in the Music room studio.

"Woke up to the same old uh-oh; Heartbreak, 'cause I won't let go-oh; Six weeks and I still don't know-oh, who or when we went wrong," Lauren sings the first verse perfectly. The smile on her face at that moment as she sings is enough to show me she is recovering and that this is working.

Normani sings her verse next and seems to be enjoying it too; the other girls just bop to the music and dance along with the audience who seem to be enjoying the catchy beat. Dinah sings the pre-chorus perfectly and everyone is enjoying how perfect it sounds so far. Eventually, the chorus comes and it's literally the exact thing Lauren feels.

"Oh, I wish," she begins with a grin, staring directly at Ashley who seems to already be fuming at the choice of song, "I wish you the best, you're freakin' useless. If I only ever had one wish, just one wish, I wish I could go back, I'm so over everything we had."

"If I only ever had one wish, then I'd wish I never met you at all," Camila finishes with a grin, letting out a hearty laugh at the end.

They all seem to be really enjoying themselves and the crowd are obviously enjoying this anthem. What's even better is the expression on Ashley's face; she's bright red with either embarrassment, anger, or both, and can't stop glaring at the girls and I.

Camila finishes off the song with her little riff and then the music fades out. The song ends and the girls strike a pose as 'Fifth Harmony', grins painted on all their faces. The crowd erupts into cheers and I join them; they were amazing!

"Thank you so much, everyone!" Ally shouts into the microphone, hoping to be heard over the crowds cheers. "We are Fifth Harmony!"

The crowd goes even louder which I didn't think was possible, and the girls walk off stage and towards me. When I see them, I immediately say, "Girls, that was amazing!"

They all burst into fits off overwhelming giggles and jump onto me, embracing me in a hug. I can't help but chuckle at their excitement and return their hug.

Once we break apart, we remain quiet and watch Lennie walk onto the stage to introduce the next act or something.

"That. Was. Awesome!" he shouts into the microphone, sharing a small glance at all of us. "You girls are extremely talented and that is the perfect song after a break up. Whoever messed with you must be sorry now!"

We all laugh at his comment and glance at Ashley who is nowhere to be seen, probably running away from embarrassment. Yeah, I would, too, if I were her.

"Thank you so much, Y/N!" Lauren shares a beaming smile at me, her green eyes sparkling with excitement. "You were right about the song and now I don't even care about whatsherface!"

I laugh lightly and am surprised to be enveloped in a hug from her. I relax into her embrace and inhale her familiar scent as I make the most of her warm and loving arms. The girls raise their eyebrows teasingly and make inappropriate hand gestures behind her shoulder, and I just roll my eyes at their immaturity, yet a small smile still remains on my lips.

Eventually, Lauren pulls away and holds me at arms length. "Thank you, Y/N. You're seriously the best person ever."

I smile brightly at her, unable to contain my excitement at how amazing it is to hear the love of my life say that about me. "It's no problem at all, Laur. If anything, you're the best."

She smiles at me with her perfectly straight teeth, then does something I would have never expected. She leans in and kisses me on my cheek. It only lasts a moment, but it's enough for me to know how her soft lips feel against my skin. When she pulls away, she smiles at me before turning to the stage to listen to Lennie speak. Meanwhile, I'm still awestruck at her kiss. The place where her lips were in contact with my cheek tingles, and I'm pretty sure that I'm bright red, but I don't care. I just need to convince myself to not imagine how her plump lips would feel against mine... Stop it, Y/N! You're thinking about it!

This has certainly been an eventful new year, so far.


Okay so this chapter and the last chapter were shorter than usual, but they do get longer again so sorry about that aha.


PS, who got fetus feels from the gif above? Cause I know I did and it huRT

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