Chapter 33: Dates and Tenerife Seas

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Chapter 33: Dates and Tenerife Seas

"Where the hell were you guys?!" Is the first thing Lauren and I hear when we enter my dorm room.

All the girls are standing up from their seated positions and have a mixture of worry, anger and relief plastered on their faces.

"Um, hey..." I smile somewhat reassuringly and offer a small wave to the girls, sensing their need to rant, but they don't calm down the slightest.

"Do you see that?" Ally says worriedly, pointing her slender finger to the alarm clock by my bedside. "What does that say?"

The other girls cross their arms and eye Lauren and I, probably biting their tongues to prevent themselves from saying something they will regret. Lauren and I both look to the alarm clock and see '12:18' being illuminated in red on the dark screen.

"Twelve eighteen...," Lauren trails off, looking anywhere but at the startled brunette before us.

"Twelve eighteen," Ally repeats sternly, crossing her arms and tapping her foot rapidly against the carpeted floor. "Does 'don't be back too late' mean anything to you two?"

Her brown eyes sparkle with anger, but that's mostly subsiding and relief floods through her expression, probably to see we are okay.

"The car broke down," I inform her, ignoring the glares I'm receiving from the others. "And the weather was really bad. And we needed a lift. So, yeah..."

"You didn't do this on purpose?" Ally raises an eyebrow questioningly, her and the girls all seeming to relax once they know our reason.

We both shake our heads and watch the girls sigh in relief and envelop us in one big hug.

"Are you both okay?" Normani asks us once we pull away. Her eyes dart between Lauren and I, searching for any signs of discomfort.

"We're fine," Lauren reassures her with a smile, patting her shoulder comfortingly. "We just need to get the car towed tomorrow or I'm gonna be dead."

They all nod and motion for us to join them on my bed. How the six of us manage to fit on a single bed is beyond me, but we make it work.

"So, how did the date go?" Camila grins excitedly, voicing all of their thoughts.

I look to Lauren and see she is hesitant to answer. I take her hand in mine and rub soothing circles on the top of it.

"The date was perfect," I respond, earning a smile of relief from her. "Absolutely perfect."

Her cheeks tint pink and she looks down to our intertwined hands, trying to take the attention away from her blush. I smile and continue to study how beautiful she looks, even when she's flustered. I can't believe she's mine.

"You guys are disgustingly cute." Dinah scrunches her face up, eyeing the two of us.

I laugh at her comment and avert my gaze from Lauren and to the girls. "Thanks, I think."

Best first date ever.


It's been a month since Lauren and I have been together now. Despite the long time period, I'm still not over the fact that she's my girlfriend. I love her so much and even though she isn't at that stage with me yet, I don't mind. She's amazing and even thinking about it sends my stomach in a frenzy.

Anyway, tonight is another school dance, (I swear this school have one like every month), and everyone is buzzing about, sorting out their dresses, fixing plans with their friends, finding last minute dates. You know, the usual.

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