Chapter 31: Sore Arms and Lazy Mornings

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Chapter 31: Sore Arms and Lazy Mornings

"So, what do you think the others will say?" I ask nervously to Lauren.

We are both walking back to her dorm where the girls apparently are. We called them and they were wondering where we were, but we told them we are on our way and I can't help but wonder of their reactions.

She squeezes my hand reassuringly, (yeah, we are holding hands and I'm trying to contain myself), and I look to her. A smile grazes her lips and I feel my stomach erupt into a million butterflies; only she can have that effect on me.

"Everything will be fine," she promises confidently. "You said the girls were trying to get us together, right?" I nod slowly and she presses the elevator button before saying, "Then it should be okay. You worry too much."

The elevator doors slide open and we both step in, myself mindlessly playing with the tips of my hair with my free hand. The elevator ride is filled with a comfortable silence and I try to convince myself that this is real: I'm actually with Lauren now. It's so wonderful, and my fear of being in a relationship is no longer there. I trust Lauren. I know she's perfect for me.

The elevator doors open and we both walk, hand in hand, to Lauren's room. As soon as we open the door, all the girls' heads shoot up to us, yet they don't move from their positions.

"Hey, where were you both?" Dinah asks, her eyes flickering between our gently intertwined hands and our faces.

I glance to Lauren nervously – I was never good at telling people things, and I've never had to tell someone that I'm in a relationship because I've never been in a relationship. She smiles at me reassuringly and looks to the girls, meeting their curious gazes.

"The thing is," Lauren begins, her fingers playing with mine, probably for reassurance, "Y/N and I are actually, um–" She pauses and looks to me with a confused expression. To be fair, we never discussed what we were. Girlfriends? Partners? I don't know.

"We're together," I continue for her, smiling at her lovingly.

She returns my smile and nods her head softly, as if she's confirming my thoughts of being my girlfriend.

"Yeah," Lauren agrees, content with my response. "Y/N is my girlfriend."

I don't why, but the thought of her saying this aloud makes me feel an overwhelming happiness and a grin makes its way onto my face. I've been waiting to hear that for a while.

Girlish screams break me out of my daze and I realise that the girls are still there. I turn my head and am immediately engulfed in hugs from them all, along with Lauren who is just as squished as I am.

When they finally pull away, they are all wearing face eating grins and look like the happiest people in the world.

"It's about time!" Dinar hits both of our arms playfully. "How did it happen?"

The other girls stare at us with curiosity and I can tell that they have a strong desire to know as much as Dinah does. I look to Lauren and she nods at me before facing the girls.

"Well, I kind of told Y/N about my feelings on Friday, but then she ran away...," she begins awkwardly, probably reminiscing on that time.

The girls glare at me and look as if they want to speak at once, but not knowing what to say. Eventually, Ally speaks.

"Is that why you were avoiding her all weekend, Y/N?" she questions, furrowing her eyebrows.

I look down and nod my head, not meeting their gaze. I feel a punch on my arm and look up to see Dinah with her arms crossed, staring down at me condescendingly.

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