Chapter 28: Sleeping Pranks and... First Kisses?

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Chapter 28: Sleeping Pranks and... First Kisses?

I slowly arise from slumber when I feel shuffling beside me. I love Lauren, but does she really have to move when I'm trying to sleep?

"Y/N! Lauren!" I hear a voice shout from the hallway outside our room. "It's time to get up! We need to start packing!"

I internally groan. Today is the day that we are heading back to school because Spring Break ends and it's back to normal boring days of work tomorrow. Despite having to return to school, I feel happy to know that I've made the most of my Spring Break, thankfully. And it was spent with my best friends and the girl I love.

"C'mon, Laur," I mumble sleepily, peeling my eyes open and allowing them to adjust to the flourish of light in the room. "It's time to get up."

As I sit up in bed and smack myself a few times to try and wake up properly, Lauren yawns from beside me and forces herself to sit up, too.

"Good morning, Y/N," she says with a tired voice, eliciting a smile from me; she sounds adorable and I can tell she's had a good sleep otherwise she would be cranky.

"Good morning, Laur– AAH!" My eyes widen and I'm definitely awake now as I look at Lauren's face.

She flinches when I shout, probably because she's still half asleep, and looks to me saying, "What's wro– OH MY GOD!"

"What do you mean, 'oh my god'?!" I question her, studying her face a little closely. Someone has obviously drawn on her face with something black as there is patterns drawn around her eyes and down her cheeks. To top it off, the word '#loser' is written on her head in capital letters.

"Look in the mirror," she says, her eyes wide as she motions for me to use her mirror which is placed on her desk on the other side of the room.

Oh, no. If Lauren has that on her face, what do I have on mine?

"You may want to as well," I say to her as I clamber out of bed tiredly, hesitantly approaching the mirror. When I finally have the guts to look at my reflection, I almost jump in fright. As I study my face more closely, I see that someone has drawn a monobrow on my eyebrows, a moustache on my lip, and a beard around my cheeks. Similar to Lauren, I have text on my forehead, except mine reads, 'I LOVE DJ'.

"Dinah." I narrow my eyes at my forehead once I realise that this whole thing is one of Dinah's pranks. Oh, she is so dead.

"Of course Dinah would do something like this," Lauren says, rolling her eyes at her reflection. She looks at me in the mirror and offers me an apologetic smile. "Sorry for getting scared of your face."

I turn around and face the beautiful girl before me, despite the unwanted layer of patterns on her face. "It's okay. Sorry for screaming in yours."

A small laugh escapes her lips and causes me to smile at the melodious sound. "It's okay." She sighs and runs her hands through her hair. "Can we kill Dinah now?"

I nod my head without a second thought and she follows me out of her bedroom and into the hallway where Dinah and Normani are talking. Once they notice our presence, Normani bursts into laughter, resulting in Camila and Ally to exit their rooms, along with Mike & Clara. Once they see our faces, they can't help but laugh, too. Dinah is stifling a laugh, but tries to keep a straight face.

"Just don't kill each other." Clara cracks a smile at us all before dragging herself and her husband down the stairs and out of the kill zone.

"DJ," Ally manages to get out in between her laughter. She clutches onto Camila for support, who is also trying to speak but failing miserably.

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