Who Are You?

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Marinette POV

Cat Noir and I have been meeting every day for the past week to check on my recovery, and I've just been itching for tomorrow. I just returned from our last late night date and sat on my bed. Two days ago, Cat Noir had brought me to a quiet, abandoned garden. He turned to me and said "I'd like to see you without the mask in a beautiful spot like this."

"I think this is the perfect place." He threw his head in laughter.

"Okay. Then let's meet up here in three days."


I was so ready to see Cat Noir without the mask, but now some nervousness was creeping into my heart. Tikki flew up to talk to me after to seeing the worry spread across my face.

"What's wrong Marinette?"

"I dunno, what if after we  see each other, everything changes?"

She sighed. "You love him, don't you?"

"Yeah, of course-"

"And you trust that he loves you, right?"


"So what's the problem?"

"I don't know. It's just that our relationship will change."

"That isn't always a bad thing. Your relationship used to just be a friendship, and you liked the way that changed, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course, but that's different."


"I'm different outside of the costume, and what if he is to? What if he's repulsed by me? What if-?" Tikki hit me on the head. "Ouch!"

"Stop worrying so much!"

"But what if I'm right and he doesn't like me anymore?"

"First of all, You're wrong. He loves you. Secondly, if I were to humor the outrageous notion that he doesn't like you, which I won't, I'd say that you'll cross that bridge when you get to it."

I sighed. "But-"

"No buts! He likes you. That won't change. It's late and you're far too stressed to stay up late."

I flopped face down onto my pillow. "Well now I'm even more stressed!" I could feel Tikki pat my head. 

"It's okay. Just think of all the times you two kissed to make yourself feel better."

I put a pillow over my ears. "Lala! I can't hear you!" 

Tikki chuckled. "Goodnight Marinette."

"Goodnight." I murmured into my pillow. The moment she said that, every sweet nothing whispered into my ear, every soft smile, every gentle kiss, flooded into my brain. Though I didn't want to tell her, reminders of how he felt about me actually soothed my worries. Slowly, I drifted to sleep.

How Do I Tell You I Love You? A LadyNoir ficWhere stories live. Discover now