Meeting for the First Time

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Adrien POV

Ladybug pounded on a the door of a random home. It swung open to reveal a short old man with a grey beard. 

"Ladybug!? Cat Noir!? You're hurt! What happened?" He yanked us into his house before we even responded.

"I'm fine." Ladybug tried to wave his worry away. "We have great news Master Fu!"

"That can wait! You need some bandages." Master Fu said. I smirked at Ladybug.

"Told you M'lady." She stuck out her tounge at me. The guardian walked out with guaze and bandaids.

"Take a seat and tell me what happened." He said as he began to apply bandages. Ladybug began her story, only stopping to respond to Master Fu's attempts to check for bruised ribs and internal bleeding. She squeezed my hand as she desribed her fight with HawkMoth.

"Then, Cat Noir figured out how to find the room."

"Oh, really? How did you do that Cat Noir?" The guardian gave me a knowing look.

"I just got lucky, I guess."

Ladybug bumped my shoulder with hers. "Do you wanna tell this part?"

I gave a tight smile. "Sure." I described the fight, leaving out the betrayal I felt seeing my father as HawkMoth. "And it turns out HawkMoth was Gabriel Agreste." Master Fu looked at me with pity.

"And you'll never guess what Cat Noir found!" Ladybug was bouncing in her seat, grinning ear to ear.

"Oh? What was it?" 

"The Peacock Miraculous," Ladybug streached out her hand to reveal what I'd found. 

Master Fu gasped. "You've found them!"

"Am I missing something? Why are these Miraculous so important?"

"I thought that they were lost long ago." He turned away, and began fiddling with his record player. "But now," His record player open, and he turned back to us, holding a large box. "The Miracle Box is complete." Ladybug placed the two Miraculous in the box. 

"We should probably be going now Master. School starts in a few hours, and it's getting late." She pulled me towards the door.

"Ladybug, wait. May I speak to Cat Noir, alone?"

"Oh, sure. I just need to say goodbye." She opened the door and pulled me outside for a quick kiss. "Goodnight, Kitten. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, she leaped off into the night. I took a moment to try and calm down before stepping back inside, but it was difficult. I know I should be happy, I mean, we just defeated HawkMoth. The only problem is, I just beat up my father, who was trying to bring back mom. I am just so scrambled rightt now. I can't go back home because I foolishly revealed who I was to HawkMoth! Even if he doesn't have a Miraculous anymore I doubt he'll still love the son who stopped him. I took a deep breath, and stepped back inside.

"It's great to finally meet you Adrien."

"How do you know who I am?" Today just was feeling like one gut punch after another.

"We meet about a year ago, remember?"

"Oh, yeah! I remember that! You were the man with the cane! Why aren't you using it?"

"That was a ruse to test your moral fiber, and my boy, you passed with flying colors!"

 "So what did you need to speak to me about?"

"First, detransform. I'm sure that suit is getting uncomfortable." He returned the Miracle Box back to its hiding place.

"Plagg, Claws In." Plagg flew out of my ring and up to my face.

"Kid, are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay Plagg. I'm alright."

"Are you sure?" Master Fu asked, turning back to me. "I know it's a lot for a young boy to deal with."

"Yeah, but I'm-" I was cut off by my own tears. 

"Oh kid." I felt Plagg rub my shoulder with his tiny paw. Master Fu left the room, and I sobbed louder, letting the confusing feelings wash over me. The door creeked open and Master Fu stepped back in with a pillow, a blanket, and a cup of tea.

"Here, Adrien. This should help." He handed me the cup and placed the blanket on the floor.

I sniffled. "What's that for?"

"Well, school starts in five hours and I think you should get some rest before then."


"I can't, in good conscience, let you return to that house. If you want, I'll let you sleep here for however long you need."

I hugged him. "Thank you."

"Of course." He nodded to Plagg. "Make sure he drinks his tea." Plagg saluted in response. Master Fu shut the door, saying "Goodnight."

I drank the tea, turned off the lights, and wrapped myself up in the blanket. Plagg curled up next to me and began softly snoring. In that moment, I felt more at home than I ever had since my mother's passing. 

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