The Night Pt. 1

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Marinette's POV:

I stared at the beautiful full moon on my balcony sighing wistfully at the stars. Cat Noir and I had just finished talking and it felt like a weight was lifted off my chest.

"I saw that blush Marinette!" Tikki teased. 

"Wha-what!? What are you talking about?" I stammered and stumbled back. I didn't see her behind me.

"Oh, come on Marinette. You're still holding onto that rose for dear life." I hated to admit it, but she was right. I wanted to cling to that memento from Cat Noir.  It felt so genuine and sweet, and I felt like if I let it go he would go back to being so flippant about his feelings for me. 

"It was just a gift from a friend." I responded. Liar , my brain retorted. 

"Marinette, he really likes you. It's not a bad thing to return those feelings."

"But I don't! I like Adrien!" Tikki gave me the sort of look that says sure~ sweetie. I sighed and brushed past her. She followed me as I went down the kitchen and found a cup full of water to place on my desk and put the rose into. Tikki would have raised an eyebrow if she had one. I just huffed and flopped onto my bed. 

What could that mean?! I don't have a crush on Cat Noir! I just think he's a good friend. I mean, sure, he's pretty cute and has always been there for me, but I'm in love with Adrien. I mean, he's the perfect love of my life. Right?

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