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'Well, are we going to go to your place or not?' asked the noble boy 'Seraph is already on his way so you kind of can't say no. Unless you want to leave me out'

Realisation hit fletcher like a truck. He had invited them both over for the week.

Once Malik's bags were finally in the boot of the cart, the journey began. Luckily for them the trip was only three hours long by cart. The roads to Raleighshire were now nicely paved, nothing like the ones Fletcher had initially travelled through.

Fletcher payed the diver handsomely for the troubles and waved him goodbye. They were now standing in front of his mansion. In a way he wondered what the noble boy thought of it.

'Lord Raleigh you are finally here!' Exclaimed Paola, the head of the maids in the mansion 'We have been anxious, Lord Pasha arrived about an hour ago and we don't understand what is going on or his reason of being here at all. Lady Raleigh did not tell us anything about his coming!' She was talking casually as Fletcher had instructed her to. More like a friend than a maid to Fletcher. However, her tone turned a bit more respectful when she noticed the jewels on Malik, proof of his wealthiness.

'Who might this be if you don't mind me asking' Said the woman

'Malik Saladin, from Antioch. At your service' Fletcher was kind of surprised at how nice Malik was to a commoner. Not sure what he expected but certainly not this

'Lord Saladin, pardon my rudeness.' Said the maid, suddenly finding her dress amusing

'Malik, please join Seraph inside the mansion, I'll be there shortly' Said Fletcher. The boy did as he was told

'WHAT IS GOING ON, please explain to me why two noble children are inside the house and no preparations were made!' She was sweating now 'Is there a reason for why I wasn't informed of this?'

'This is all my fault Pola, I completely forgot about telling you or my mother' Fletcher paused for a second 'By the way, where is my mother? Has she not arrived?' Asked Fletcher

'She has not, she did send word with Lord Pasha though, we should not expect her tonight' Was her reply

'Anyway, please get my room ready along with the two more rooms for our guests. Prepare some light snacking to eat while we chat before bed. I shall talk to you about breakfast before bed.' Finished Fletcher

Paola simply nodded her head and clapped her hands. Immediately two servants were ready at the door.

Fletcher made his way inside the mansion, taking off some of the jewels as he entered. The boys were both seated in the living room of the mansion, sipping on some iced water.

'Please, go freshen up guys, we don't need to be in this fancy clothing all night.' Fletcher motioned them towards the toilets. So they did.

As they came out of the bathrooms now wearing more comfortable yet fancy clothing, pyjamas kind of thing. Fletcher did the same.

Finally, they were all seated around the business table inside his house, where only private matters were discussed. Fletcher had brought them here as the seats were comfortable, and the walls were soundproof. Meaning that nothing could be heard from outside.

'So what do we plan to do this week?' Asked Seraph

'I say we should start by training. We don't actually know each other's demons to a full extent. Besides we need to talk about what other demons we are planning on obtaining for the mission/training. I know a flying demon would be a nice paring with my Anubid.' Said Malik

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