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'I want to go to Corcillum, Fletcher, can you come with me?' Asked Seraph

'I want to come too, the Faversham forest is a half day away since I can't fly there like my Grandmother and father, I might as well do the trip at night time and enjoy Corcillum. Besides, I haven't really talked to you two outside of official business.' Verity crossed her arms, not taking a no for an answer.

'But your Family doesn't like us.' Said Seraph, much to Fletcher's surprise.

'My family has no problem with the Raleighs, the Pashas are just competition in business, besides, my family is not around, if Malik can be your friend then why can't I?' Said Verity, her eyes landing on Fletcher as if expecting support.

'I guess a day won't hurt' Said Fletcher, making the girl smile from side to side.

The guards let the group out with a bow, and they headed to the city, the group chatted happily, telling each other stories of what they have gone though, Verity's life was not as easy as Fletcher thought, she was not like her family at all. Rather, like the king, she was raised by diplomats that taught her the good in dwarves and Elves.

'I was so worried about your group when I didn't see you after landing, I was sure you had all died.' Said Verity, looking straight at Fletcher. 'By the way, I know Cress took my scrying crystal...' Fletcher's pulse suddenly quickened as he forgot about the gem. Verity waved a hand dismissing his expression. 'My grandmother already bought me a new one, money is nothing for nobles.' Said verity but with no humour behind it.

'I really like Cress, her personality is hilarious.' She let out a short laugh 'I don't think Sylva likes me very much, but I'm cool with everyone else.' The girl's eyes went sad for a spit second, making Fletcher wonder just who she really was.

'Anyways.' Said Seraph as he clapped his hands, breaking Fletcher's thoughts. 'What do we want to do?'

'There isn't much to do here other than business or shopping, so I vote we go shopping.' Verity's eyes turned towards each boy as if begging them for a yes.

'Shopping attracts a lot of pretty faces, I'll go' Said Serpah, once again puffing out his chest.

Without anything else to do, Fletcher agreed, and the boys followed Verity as she made her way towards the many stores.

The street was wide and was filled with the many different colours that each window had to offer, as expected, everything was of fine quality, made for the very rich of the commoners, or a low price for the nobles. There was gold and silver reflecting the sun rays, there were all kinds of animal fur, jewels of all kinds, there were even weapons in some stores. Suddenly the girl stopped and twisted, facing the boys.

'Take off the rings and bracelet, the vendors- people in general get scared or act weird when they realise, you're a noble, actually, wear this, don't want to ruin my chances.' She handed then some sunglasses and a hat. So, the boys did as the girl asked.

'What about the necklaces?' Asked Fletcher

'There are a lot of fakes in the market right now, they shouldn't be a problem.' Said Seraph before the girl could answer.

The three of them walked into the first store, filled with rich commoners and lesser nobles, however, everyone seemed to be avoiding or, admiring one specific person. Fletcher's eyes went wide as he recognised the beer belly, under the fine clothes of the noble man, the beard, and fletcher watched as Bertie, the man that had sided with king Alfric over the dwarves, made his way towards the necklace that Verity was looking at. Everyone around him made way, and Fletcher and Seraph could only watch as the man approached the girl.

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