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Fletcher explained quickly as they glided across Antioch, Alice's face lighting up each time she thought about it. The hope of seeing her daughter one more time. She suddenly got really close to Ignatius, tugging at Malik's sleave as into motion him into joining her on Expire. Malik didn't hesitate as he jumped from one demon to the other. With two riders in each demon, their phase quickened.

Fletcher contemplated all his different options as they made their way towards a lone house in the outsides of Antioch. With Fletcher and Anu landing in front of the house and Alice and Malik landing at the back entrance.

Fletcher infused Ignatius as he did not want to seem like a threat, but summoned Athena to keep an eye on the sky's, wary of any escape attempts. Anu knocked on the door, for which was answered by a big lady, roughly the same age as Berdon, she was wearing a bloody apron and knife at hand. For which Anu did not react at all.

'Hello, Anu dear, what brings you here?' Asked the lady
'I have a couple of friends that would like to meet Octavia' Said the boy

Malik and Alice both approached the door standing behind fletcher.

'Is it Anu?' asked a voice from inside the house.

'Yes dear, and he's brought company' Said the woman

Octavia walked down the stairs and Fletcher was confused. It was like he was looking at himself but in the opposite gender. With the R on her bronze necklace. Her brown hair going past her shoulders, her light skin and hazel eyes which fletcher also had looked straight at him with the same confusion written there.

'Who are you?' asked the girl

However, at the sight of Fletcher's hands, the girl dropped into a bow, pulling her mother with her. The ring seemed to weight heavy in the eyes of other people. Alice couldn't hold back and embraced the girl in a tight hug.

'What's your name?' asked Alice

'Octavia, my Lady' Replied the girl, not looking into her eyes.

'I'm Vanya, now would you care to explain what brings you to our humble home?' asked the mother

'First, I would like to do a couple of tests on Octavia here if you don't mind' said Alice.

With no real choice, the woman stepped back.

'Where did you get this necklace?' asked Alice

'Well, mum says that when she found me-'

Octavia's eyes widened as she realised what she had just said.

'I mean when mum found it'

'There's no need to hide the truth from us. If you know who we are then you know where you're from, and as one of our people, we will protect you. The both of you.' Said Alice as she pointed at them both 'Now people, do tell us the real story, Ms Cunningham' finished Alice.

'Well, it was a dark knight, when notice spread of how Raleigh shire had fallen, with all the people killed. That night my husband was bringing some things from there, however, when he arrived, the only thing in his carriage was this little girl, wrapped in a towel and dents of fangs all over the towel. My husband had given his life, making sure this little girl survived the massacre. I raised her as if she was my own. The Bronze R of the neckless made me question just how important this girl was. Finally, my suspicion was confirmed when the crystals were distributed at every tavern. The announcement of the last living member of the Raleigh family was a shock as I didn't know who this girl was.' She took a couple of breaths in 'I did some research and found out about the Queensouth's twin history and everything started making even more sense. The day came when Lord Saladin and Lord Raleigh went on that mission to kill the goblins, the crystals showed Lord Raleigh to be the exact same as Octavia here is, a little shorter than him but they have the same eyes and hair. However, now that I see him in person, there is no doubt in my mind about who Octavia is and I am sure you are all here for that.' Finished Vanya with sad eyes.

Octavia's eyes widened as realisation dropped on her like a heavy rock, amazed, impossible, the saviour of all Hominum, Fletcher Raleigh just happened to be her brother. It explained her ability to move small things with her hands and the reason why her mother never allowed her to be tested by the inquisitors. However, it all seems so surreal.

'I have a gift from my family. If Fletcher and Octavia are twins, then her current summoning level would be 9.5, meaning that she can Harness the demon in this scroll without any problem.' Said Malik as he gave Alice a summoning scroll and a leather matt.

'Woah there, we have not decided anything yet' Said Vanya suddenly standing in front of her daughter. 'Give us a couple of minutes alone. You can't force her to become a battlemage, let alone a noble.' Finished Vanya.

Octavia and her mother talked for a little, with Vanya shaking her head every now and then. Octavia grabbed her mother's hands, and embraced her mother with all her might, as tears started rolling down their cheeks.

'One condition.' Said Octavia as she raised a single finger towards them. 'If I do manage to summon whatever is inside that scroll, my mother gets the best conditions and a room at whatever place I might be staying at.' Finished Octavia

'Octavia. I had the same upbringing as you did, so I can assure you that your mother will be put next to my father in the same mansion as we will be staying at. Now please allow us to get you home, allow us to reunite our family.' Said fletcher in what he hoped sounded like confidence.

'However, if you do come and accept your blood, just know that we have enemies. The Forsyth; they were the ones behind the incident that killed your father and out us apart, meaning that they still want to kill us. The Favershams; Charles Faversham might try and kill you, while his mother forgives the rumours and so does his father, we are unsure about his daughter's perspective in the matter but none the less, don't be surprised if they try something. Lastly, the Cavells, Didric and his father are still enemies of the Raleighs. In conclusion, be wary of the Triumvirate.' Said Alice with a concerned expression. 'We do have some allies though. Most of the elves and dwarves both support our family, along with the Pashas. We don't seem to have any problems with the rest of the noble houses I believe.' Finished Alice as she looked expectantly at her daughter.

'Trust me when I tell you that the Saladins are hoping to make an alliance with the Raleigh in the near future.' Said Malik with a wide smile.

Anu's eyes seemed to fill with hope as Malik's words came out of his mouth.

After a few words with her mother, Octavia accepted the scroll. Her hands shook as she unrolled the scroll, excitement flooded her thoughts and she could no longer hold back as the scroll almost called her name. She opened it and could not stop herself before the words left her mouth; 'So, mi, la, fa, ra...'

Fletcher grabbed Vanya and motioned for her to get behind them. Alice hurried to infuse her demon, while Athena remained calmly on top of the house. Huge lights of white and purple shinned all through the house, the house itself started to tremble slightly as Octavia's words left her mouth like a waterfall. After a couple of minutes, the lights stopped, and the figure stood there instead. Sharp teeth and huge claws capable of breaking through bone, the gills and fin that sprouted from the demon's skin. The two black eyes looked straight at Octavia, as the Nanaue studied the girl's every feature in detail. Octavia, on the other hand, was amazed at the new mind that was inside of hers.

The creature approached Octavia as Octavia called to it with her inside voice. Vanya tried to stop the Nanaue, not understanding what was happening. Luckily, Malik managed to grab her by her wrist.

'It's fine mum, she won't hurt me' was Octavia's response.

Alice had her first mother-daughter moment as she taught Octavia about how to control her demon, how to extend the mental connection, allowing the demon to sense her intentions and for the demon to send its intention's back.

PLEASE DONT FORGET TO VOTE thanks. Now I'll actually upload every week.

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