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They entered the room. Luckily, the sofa was as big as a semi-double bed. Perks of a luxury room. There was no debate and verity quickly settled in the room, Fletcher in the sofa. Once ready to sleep the girl came to thank the boy. However, a sleeping body was all she found. His clothes were loose enough to let the skin below breathe, but tight enough to mark the muscles developed thought the war. His night black hair was a bit dirty, but it matched so well with his tanned skin and long eyelashes. She admired him in so many ways. She knew standing against the Triumvirate was not something just anyone would do, let alone win not only the trial but also the King's favour. She admired him for defending the many different races in this world, of course, she wasn't racist in any way herself, but had never seen someone fight for another race. Until she met Fletcher Raleigh.

The smell of fried egg entered Fletchers nose, activating the part of his brain that woke him up. The sun was out, the bright light allowing him to inspect the place properly. It was divided in three parts, walking in, the first thing you saw was the living room. It composed of a six-seater dining table, a whole kitchen fully equipped, a huge glass door followed by a balcony and a radio. Next was the bedroom, where Verity was. Or had been. He knocked twice before walking in, the girl was nowhere to be seen. The room itself was about 4x4, with its own closet, toilet and mini balcony. It was composed of light pastel colours, allowing the user to relax their mind, contrast to the rest of the place, which was composed of different types of wood that Fletcher did not recognise. The last room was composed of a toilet and wooden bath. Cute.

There was a creek on the door, followed by Verity and two maids behind her, each one of the maids carried a small cart with them, all types of fruits inside them. Lastly, the golden eggs, crisp bacon and steaming coffee. As expected from a territory whose main income came from the forest. The girl quickly sat on one end of the dining table, so Fletcher sat on the other end.

'Good morning Fletcher' said Verity with an inviting smile. She helped herself to some grapes, an apple, fresh bread and her serve of eggs and bacon, the girls helping her and Fletcher to the coffee. Fletcher followed suit. The breakfast was quiet, the girl telling Fletcher what Boreas was like, what the forest was like. Naturally, Fletcher offered to fly her there, the girl accepting happily.

Outside the hostel, Fletcher noticed the very few differences between Boreas and Pelt, the poor and wealthy of the town were well divided. Fletcher didn't have as much time as he wished he had, and neither did Verity, Alice's party was tomorrow, and they were both attending. Instead, she promised to give him a tour of Boreas and the forest if she got to see Raleigh shire. The pair was on their way out of the town when they noticed a small commotion, to both of their surprises. The Majestic antlers, the hoofed front legs with sharp talons on the bag confirmed the horse-sized stag to be a Peryton. Ophelia's Peryton, with its rider on top. Unluckly for Fletcher, Charles had also come along for whatever reason.

'This is bad, when they both come like this, they are usually looking for Royce, my grandfather. They don't really let him come to town for some reason, or not alone.' Said the girl, grabbing Fletcher to a lone street where they could not be seen. 'I think it's better if we leave now, they get in a bad mood, and that negativity is something we do not need.' Verity summoned her mite, a demon she had in common with her grandfather. 'She will beat her wings to cause enough commotion for them to think it's my grandfather's demon, allowing us to escape without been seen.' Fletcher simply nodded.

So they carried out their plan. The mite actually crawled across the street and onto the next to avoid making a sound, Fletcher didn't know the speed these demons had on land. As soon as it made it to its goal it started flying, beating its wings to attract as much attention as it could. Fletcher just watched as the two noble's heads snapped towards the sound like a hunter looking for it's prey. The mite started zig zagging from one house to the other, forcing Ophelia to infuse her demon and chase the mite on foot. Verity grabbed Fletcher's hand and made a run for it, the mite was now barely audible. As soon as they go to the outskirts of the town fletcher summoned Ignatius as fast as he could, the beast lowering to a crouch straight away, understanding the situation. The pair mounted, and before Fletcher could give out the order to fly the demon lunged into a sprint, tucking it's wings in. It was more like a snake slithering through the tall grass than a dragon at full speed. Fletcher counted to ten before giving the order to fly.

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