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with the help of jiwoo and taehyung, the siblings were safetly sent home. the sibling did not look at each other the whole time they were walking home, nor were they talking to each other.

jiwoo and taehyung have been trying to lighten the atmosphere by cracking jokes that the siblings would normally found funny but they miserably failed. jiwoo was beside jimin while taehyung was beside miya.  basically, jiwoo and taehyung were the ones separating the two.

arriving at their front gate, they all halted. the siblings fell silent while ji and tae were feeling uncomfortable. "so," jiwoo clasped her hands, "we're home," she announced. miya tightly smiled and thanked both her friends before heading inside. jimin watched his sister completely ignore his existence. taehyung went to his bestfriend's side and rubbed his back, "it's going to be alright. just let her cool off," he smiled. jimin nodded before waving goodbye and heading inside their home as well.

the two waited until the siblings were finally out of sight before sighing in relief. "the tension was killing me," jiwoo mutters. taehyung chuckles, "same"

"well," she began, "i'm going home" she declares before walking away. "wait!," jiwoo stops and looks at taehyung with a look of confusion. he smiles, "let me walk you home," he suggest. jiwoo was taken a back, "no, it's fine" taehyung shakes his head, "no, i insist!"

giving in, jiwoo finally nodded and taehyung had a big smile on his face. quietly, they walked to jiwoo's home.

meanwhile, the siblings were surprised to find both their parents present in their home and seated on the couch with wide smiles plastered on both their faces. miya spoke up first, "is there something you want to say?," she raised her eyebrow. jimin was about a feet away from her and also had an eyebrow raised.

mr. and mrs. park shared a loving gaze before facing their children, "we're going on a vacation!," they exclaimed and the siblings had a surprised face on. "r-really?," miya stuttered. her dad finally was going to have a break from work. their mother was the one who was overjoyed as she nodded happily, "your father was finally allowed to go on a break, isn't that great?" jimin nodded, "yeah, i'm glad"

"and because of that, we'll be going on a vacation," mr. park smiled, "on a beach resort!," their mother continued. "but we have school," miya mutters. "don't worry, princess. we've already informed your school. we'll be out for three days," her father explained as she nodded. "your father will be on a break for a whole week"

"oh and we already called the kims so jiwoo will be tagging along. sadly, seokjin can't come because of work," she gives jimin a sad look since she knew that jimin and seokjin were close friends, "but you can invite someone, if you'd like" jimin nodded and said, "i'll be inviting tae," he says before grabbing his phone to call tae and inform him about the vacation. hearing his name, miya suddenly nervous but dismissed it. "i'm so happy that you're going on a break, dad," miya cheekily smiled. her father chuckled at the cute being that is his daughter, "well, I made a promise, didn't i?," he wiggled his eyebrows before miya tackled him in a big bear hug.

soon after, jimin came back to the living room and informed that taehyung agreed to come with them. "then, it's settled! go and pack now, shoo," miya playfully hit her mother before running to her room and began to pack. of course, as parents, mr. and mrs. park knew that there was something bothering their children, "everything alright, son?," jimin looked at his dad in surprise, "nothing, just an argument"

"it's okay, sweetie. siblings fight, that's normal. next thing you know, both of you are good again"

jimin smiled at his mom before like miya, headed to his room to start packing. "they'll be fine," mrs. park says and her husband silently nods in agreement. miya and jimin was something they did not want to see after finally getting along after the camping 'incident'. they loved seeing their children getting along like siblings should. seeing them argue now, bothered them to the core. but they knew that both their children would never hold a grudge and eventually apologize.

miya felt as guilty as ever. she didn't mean anything she said as is cursing herself for even letting those words come out her mouth. while she was picking out clothes, someone was about to facetime her, it was jiwoo. she picked it up and was greeted by jiwoo's loud ass voice, "BITCH WE'RE GOING ON A VACATION"

miya hummed as she packed more clothes, "your parents are so cool, i can't believe we're skipping school for three days! i love them," she squealed. "mi, look at this," jiwoo shows a blue bikini on the screen and miya's eyes widened, "you'll be wearing that?," she questions and jiwoo nods with a grin.

"damn bitch, I like it-- no, I FUCKING LOVE IT"


the bestfriends scream at each other and burst into laughter. "what are you going to wear?," jiwoo asks her bestfriend. miya pursed her lips in a straight line, "just a shirt and shorts"

jiwoo shoots her an unamused look, "really? why?," she shrugged, "i don't have a bikini"

"OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO?? I CAN GIVE YOU ONE OF MINE OH MY GOD MIYA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE DONE THIS," she shakes her head as she rambles on. "chill you hoe, i don't even know if my parents and oppa," she pauses, "would allow me in a bikini"

jiwoo's mouth formed an 'o' before she spoke again, "well, i'm still going to bring one for you. maybe you'd change your mind," she winked. miya rolled her eyes and plopped herself on her bed. "is your man going with us?," jiwoo asked. miya groaned internally before answering a yes. her bestfriend snickered, "i have more reasons to bring a bikini for you now."

BOY FROM THE 18th CENTURY ⇻ k. taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now