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"can you take care of the bakery for the day?," taehyung whispered to his aunt. his aunt rose an eyebrow at him, "why?," taehyung never asks this kind of question unless it's really important. he scratched the back of his head, "i'm planning on bringing miya to my favorite place," he shyly admits.

his aunt's eyes widened and she squealed while jumping up and down, "do you like her?! my little taehyungie is growing up! it was like only yesterday when you asked me what pants were made for--," taehyung immediately cut her off, feeling embarrassed, "that's enough. i don't like her that way, she's just become a really important person in my life"

"i think," taehyung whispers to himself. luckily, his aunt wasn't able to catch that. his aunt frowned, "that's a shame. i personally think miya is a nice young lady! you'd look good together and i approve of her if you're asking for my approval-- are you sure you don't like her? i've been wanting to see you with a girl, happy and in love--"

taehyung violently shakes his head, his cheeks slowly becoming a deep shade of pink, "ah, don't say those things. you're making me flustered," he admits. hearing this, his aunt snickered, "but i'm serious, taehyung-ah. i really want to see you fall in love, you can't always stick with me. i'm going to go one day--"

taehyung groaned, "please stop saying nonsense, you're not going anywhere," he firmly says. he always hated it whenever his aunt brought up this kind of things. he always hated whenever his aunt would talk about how she wasn't going to be by his side forever. taehyung always looked at the bright side, he just didn't understand why people would always think so negatively. besides, he's lost most of his family and he can't imagine losing his aunt as well.

"fine, i'll stop," his aunt laughed and he sighed in relief, "and to answer your question, yes i can, go have your fun with miya," she winked and taehyung grew embarrassed once again.

where is miya, you ask?

miya's still asleep. ever since she's grown comfortable with taehyung's home, she's been sleeping nonstop. taehyung honestly thought that if no one bothered to wake her up, she wouldn't wake up until afternoon. which wasn't really an issue with taehyung nor his aunt.

his favorite place was somewhere not so far from the village. not a lot of people knew about that place, heck, maybe just taehyung and his aunt knew about that place. he discovered that place and grew fond of it since his aunt would always take him there when he was younger. she told him that it was the place where his parents met and proclaimed their love for each other. so it has been a very important place for taehyung and he felt like miya was one of the people he needed to share it with.

they have grown an attachment towards each other due to the days they've been with each other. oddly enough, they felt somewhat safe and at home with each other and they never complained about it. taehyung made his way to miya who was sprawled on their bed. they have been sleeping in the same bed. it felt uncomfortable at first, but they grew to be okay with it. it was a shock to miya that taehyung had to hug something or someone to sleep since he never told her about that. she just woke up one day with taehyung's arms wrapped around her. luckily, she didn't panic. instead, she just slept again.

he began shaking her body and in return, she squirmed, "miya, wake up," he called. miya ignored him and shifted to the other side, making taehyung chuckle, "wake up! we're going somewhere!," hearing this, miya fluttered her eyes open, "are you taking me on a date or something?," she playfully asked. taehyung raised his eyebrow, "what are you saying?," he asked, not knowing what miya meant. miya groaned and got up, "nothing, you won't understand"

taehyung shrugged and walked his way to the door, "i'll be waiting for you outside the bakery, don't take too long," he smiled and left.

it took miya not more than fifteen minutes to get ready. she would be lying if she said she wasn't curious and excited for wherever taehyung was bringing her. taehyung doesn't know what a date is so she claimed it as one.

she entered the bakery and saw taehyung's aunt, "good morning!," miya greeted. his aunt warmly smiled at her and greeted her a good morning back, "taehyungie is waiting for you outside, enjoy yourselves!" miya furrowed her eyebrows, "you'll handle the bakery alone? you don't need help?"

"i've done this long enough to know how to manage. now, don't make taehyung wait long and go!," she gestured the young lady to go and she did. taehyung was patiently waiting for her and when he saw finally saw her, a smile was brought to his face, "let's go!"


"tae, do we really need to walk this far? i'm getting tired," she complains. taehyung playfully rolls his eyes, "we're almost there, miya. but if you're really tired, i can carry you"

miya wiggled her eyebrows, "oh my dear precious feet! they're so tired, they can't walk any more steps, what will i do now?," she exaggerates every word that came out of her mouth. this made taehyung laugh out loud, miya really never fails to make him laugh like that, "you're very dramatic, did you know that?"

miya smiles, "i have been told," she continues, "now, are you going to carry me or not?," without wasting any second, taehyung carries miya on his back like she was the lightest person he has ever carried, "WHOA TAE, I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T SERIOUS," she exclaimed. taehyung giggled, "now you know i was," taehyung started walking, causing miya to wrap her arms around his neck. but tight enough to choke him, though. that's for another day.

after a few more minutes of walking, they finally arrived. miya was amazed, she has never seen anything so beatiful before-- excluding taehyung. there were flowers everywhere, from big to small and long to short. "this is so beautiful, tae!," she squeals. taehyung smiled at this, her reaction was exactly what he was hoping for.

miya ran over to the flowers and started playing with them while taehyung observed her from afar. he had a big smile on his face as he watched miya twirl around  in happiness. he could feel his heartbeat fastening and pounding so loudly. he had never felt anything like this before, especially with a girl. his aunt's words repeated in his mind, "are you sure you don't like her?"

this made him think, was he sure? miya has made him feel a lot of things. everything she does makes his stomach twist and turn and her smile just makes him flustered and feel butterflies all over. was it even possible to fall in love in just a short period of time?

"what are you doing there, tae? come and join me!," his thoughts were interupted by miya's sweet voice. shaking off his thoughts, he jogged to miya and she immediately held his hands while she twirled him around, giggling. this was what pulled the string. what he felt for miya was definitely not just a friend thing, it was definitely something more. miya noticed taehyung's sudden change of mood so she grew concerned, "is everything alright, tae?," she softly questioned.

taehyung was confused and frustrated with his feelings towards miya. the things he was feeling, they were new to him. he didn't know how to handle them so it was very frustrating. he never thought he'd actually fall in love with someone. especially when they just met like five days ago.

taehyung shakes his head, "no, i'm completely fine! it's just that," taehyung and miya lock eyes and he allows himself to get lost in them, "you make me feel things, miya. things that i've never felt before"

miya's breath hitched, she waited until taehyung continued and he did while their eyes were still locked, "i'm unsure of a lot of things but one thing's for sure, i like you, miya. i really do."


dear God,


// miks 🐯

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