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who would've known breadmaking was so fucking hard yet taehyung makes it look easy. "you're doing great!," he compliments with a wide smile. i smile back, a smile that basically says i went through some deep shit. but breadmaking isn't really deep and i'm just a dramatic ass hoe.

"taehyung-ah, i'm--," my eyes dart to the door and a very beautiful woman in her late 30's arrives. she was surprised but then she showed a warm smile, "who is this lovely lady?," i blush and bow respectfully, "hello, i'm park miya"

"she's a friend," taehyung says beside me. the lady approaches us with a wide smile on her face, "hello dear, i'm taehyung's aunt. he should've told you this by now, yes?," i nod and she takes a look at my hands that were covered in flour, "kim taehyung, you made her work?!," she exclaimed.

taehyung stiffened, "no! i mean-- yes but i offered and--"

i laughed a little, "no, he asked me if i wanted to help him and i accepted his offer! he never forced me," taehyung looked at me and smiled.


"taehyungie, that's not how to treat a new friend," she sighs and dusts the flour off my dress, catching me off guard. "you look beautiful in my dress, dear. that dress brings so much memories, sadly it doesn't fit me anymore," she smiles and stands up straight.

"i will take care of the bakery today! taehyung, take your new friend out for a stroll, get to know each other more," she encourages. taehyung had a hesitant look on his face, "but how about you? you can't work alone--"

she slaps him on the shoulder, "nonsense, of course i can! now, go on," she shoo-s us away. taehyung eventually gives in and gives his aunt an hug and kiss on the forehead, warming my heart.

taehyung then softly tugs on the sleeve of my dress and drags me out of the bakery, that is also his house-- you get it. "where are we going?," i question. "somewhere private," he replies without sparing me a glance. i shrug and take this as the opportunity to look around. the village was small and peaceful, they weren't particularly the richest people but they sure looked happy.

taehyung and i were walking beside each other. taehyung didn't look like he was a bad person and for some reason, he makes me feel safe with him. like he's the only person i could fully trust here. it's an odd feeling since i barely knew him and i don't trust beautiful men.

"we are here," taehyung speaks. i look up and gasp. it was a beautiful scenery. there was massive tree and it had white flowers surrounding it. it felt calming and i loved it. i looked back and i could still see the village not so far away. taehyung walks ahead and sits under the tree. he pats the space beside him, "you can sit here"

WELL DON'T MIND IF I DO-- kidding. i walk towards him and sit down, not too close since we're not that close. i barely know him and he barely knows me, we're even. "you're not from here, are you?," i look at him, surprised. "how did you know?," he smiles, "based on your clothes the first time i met you, i figured you weren't from here"

i purse my lips and nod, leaning my back onto the tree, "i'm not. i'm not even from this century," i pout. taehyung becomes interested, "are you saying you're from the future?," he raises an eyebrow. i nod, sadly, "you could say that. i just slept and the next thing i knew, i wake up and i'm in the 18th century!," i roll my eyes and pout.

taehyung hugs his knees with his face directly facing me, "what did you do to find yourself here?," he asks. i furrow my eyebrows at him, does he believe the words coming out of my mouth? honestly if it was the other way around, i wouldn't believe a thing! it just sounds so unbelievable and yet, taehyung's here not even questioning what i'm saying.

"i don't know, me and jiwoo just sneaked out and explore the forest then we meet a blue cat. then, it suddenly started raining and we ran to a cave. we fell asleep and poof! here i am," i explain. taehyung had wide eyes the whole time, "so the legends are true..," he mutters under his breath but i was lucky enough to hear him.

"what legends?," it was my turn to be curious. he runs his hand through his hair, "some people say there's this cave that apparently grants any wish you have. the cave you slept at might be the rumoured cave"

i huff, "i figured"

"what do you think is happening in your time? do you think you're missing or everything changed to a world where you were never part of it?," taehyung asked in a soft tone. he made me think. am i missing or was i never part of it?

what would happen to jiwoo and her brother, seokjin? what about my parents? jimin? would he still the same or would he happy since i wasn't part of his life anymore? would my dad even marry jimin's mom?

just thinking of it made me want to cry, "i honestly don't know," i say, my voice slightly shaking. taehyung seemed to notice this and scoots over, closer to me. he ran his fingers through my long hair and i let him be, "i'm sorry for asking"

i shake my head, "you don't have to apologize, it's fine. you just made me think and it's a good thing, i guess"

i heavily sigh, "do you think i'm going to go back or will i be stuck here forever?"

taehyung pauses and i could tell he was thinking, "i would tell you but i really don't know, miya. i'm sorry" i shrugged and gave him a sad smile. then, taehyung does something that i would've never expected from him. he wraps an arm around my body, pulling me closer with my head rested on his shoulder. his next words made me blush.

"if you end up staying here for the rest of your life, then i guess you'll be seeing my face until you die," he chuckled.


// miks 🐯

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