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"yeah and he gave me a bunch of sweets, they're in my locker. i felt so bad rejecting him," jiwoo sighs. from six turned to seventeen confessions, she really be getting all the boys and girls. "so what happened next?," i ask while munching on the chocolate she gave me.

"i told him i couldn't accept the chocolates because i don't feel the same way and he was like, it's okay, just accept the chocolates, i worked hard on those," she deepened her voice, mimicking the boy who just confessed. "for a moment, i thought of giving him a chance because of how much effort he put in making the chocolates," she pouts, "but then, i might lead him on and hurt him. i don't want that! nobody fucking wants that!," i nodded.

"he did make some banging chocolates," i grin and she giggles. "i haven't tried them yet" i took one last bite before shoving the wrapper in my pocket, "they're really good, save some for me?," she nods and we turn into a giggling duo.

i often wonder what it feels like to have so many boys and girls liking you. is it overwhelming? i'm so glad jiwoo didn't get all cocky and shit for having so many suitors. i've read a lot of books and bitch, bitches get real cocky. makes them appear unattractive.

"excuse me?," an unknown voice calls and pokes my shoulder. i turn to face the person and it's a boy. "hello," he greeted. "hi," i awkwardly greet back and stared at him since i didn't know who he was. "of course she doesn't know me," he silently mutters and i felt bad, "i'm sorry"

he shakes his head, "no! it's fine, i'm jeon jungkook!," he nervously smiles. i awkwardly wave and continue to look at him. he cleared his throat, "i was one of the students who auditioned for the performance club as well," he mutters and i gasp, recalling his performance, "oh yeah! you were amazing back there," i complimented and his cheeks flushed.

"t-thanks, you were really amazing too," he shyly complimented. after a moment, he took a deep breath, "i just wanna say, y-you're really pretty and talented," my eyes widened and i looked at jiwoo. she was grinning widely, as if she knew what was going to happen. jungkook continued, "and i really like you"

my cheeks grew warm and jiwoo was clapping with a wide smile evident on her face. i was in disbelief. me?????

"u-uhm, are you sure you have the right girl?," i questioned. he nodded. "me?? not her??," i pointed to my bestfriend and she face palmed. jungkook shook his head and my eyes grew even wider.

"are you sure???"




"i think you have the wrong girl--,"

"miya, i love you and all but shut the fuck up," jiwoo snaps and smiles at me then at jungkook, "continue please"

jungkook coughed, "uhm yeah, i'm sure i've got the right girl. park miya, right?," i nodded, still in disbelief. "great, uhm, i was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?" jiwoo squealed in delight and i almost wanted to die. NO ONE PREPARED ME FOR THIS WHAT THE FUCK????

"a d-date?? with me?," i muttered. "she'll be going! when is it?," jiwoo smiled at the boy. "saturday, maybe?," he answered and jiwoo clasped her hands together. "it's settled! do you want her number?," she asked and the boy immediately nodded.

i watched as jiwoo lent jungkook my number, not knowing what to do. he thanked us and smiled at me, "see you on saturday, yeah?," he says before leaving. my lips were parted as his figure slowly disappeared from my sight.

"you're going on a date!," jiwoo squeals.

i'm going on a date. with jungkook. someone i barely know. a date. fuck.

"not gonna lie, he is cute and all but i still ship you with taehyung," she smiles. everything was blurry, it's like i suddenly forgot how to function. "i'm going on a date," i whisper, "yes you are, bitch"

"BUT I'VE NEVER WENT ON A DATE BEFORE!," i whisper-yelled, panic slowly filling my system. jiwoo shushed me, "relax, you'll be fine. it's just a date"

"but still, ji! i don't know what to do! i--"

"hey, who was that?," jimin and taehyung comes in the scene, "did we miss something?," they both had confused looks on. jiwoo grinned at the both of them, "that was jeon jungkook!," she answered.


"well, he just asked little miya here to a date on saturday," she wiggles her eyebrows. "WHAT?!," both jimin and taehyung shrieked at the same time. jiwoo nods, excitedly, "it's her first ever date! i'm so excited"

jimin aggressively shakes his head, "oh hell no, where is he?," he attempted to go after jungkook but jiwoo was quick enough to stop him, also breaking me from my thoughts. "easy there, oppa. he already left," she motioned him to calm down but it didn't seem like he was going to anytime soon. "and you agreed, miya?," jimin asks me and i shake my head, "no! jiwoo did it"

jiwoo giggled, "chill bro, let miya experience her first date"


my mind suddenly recalls the time eighteenth century taehyung brought me to the most beautiful place in the world. also, the time where he confessed to me.

growing sad, my eyes dart to taehyung's figure. he looked... uncomfortable. but maybe it was just me and my delusional self. jiwoo was still trying to convince jimin that it was going to be alright in the background. taehyung comes closer to me, "so you're going on a date?"


he pauses, "you don't need to go if you don't want to," i chew on my bottom lip. going on a date with someone else feels so wrong, but that would mean hurting jungkook's feelings. i don't want that. agreeing to go on a date with him doesn't entirely mean i have the same feelings? right?

"i'm going," i finally declare. taehyung faced me with a look of surprise, as if he wanted me to take my words back. but after a few minutes, he nodded and muttered a small, "your choice"

you're confusing, taehyung.


bts paved the way. anyways, i hope u are all safe and healthy :D

// miks

BOY FROM THE 18th CENTURY ⇻ k. taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now