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it has been about 4 days since i've been in the 18th century and things have been pretty amazing here. i've been helping taehyung and his aunt with the bakery and it's honestly not that hard anymore. i've grown attachment with taehyung's aunt, she's like my own aunt now. she's so lively, bubbly and funny.

she would always tell me stories about what taehyung did when he was younger and taehyung would always grow embarrassed and i would laugh at him.

taehyung and i, you could say we've become really close friends. like really close. there would be times that i'd randomly be sad because i'd remember my family and jiwoo and seokjin, but then he'd randomly appear and make me feel like everything's going to be okay and cheer up with his weird ways.

it's funny how taehyung just finessed his way into my life in a span of four days. this isn't like me. even jiwoo took a week and a half before i could feel comfortable with her presence. taehyung was like hello, we're friends now and you can't do anything about it and i'm not complaining. who would've known i'd be close friends with anyone else besides jiwoo and seokjin?

i have been flirting with him as a joke but unfortunately, he doesn't get it.

also, i got upset with him one time with the flour incident. turns out he knew that i was struggling with carrying the heavy ass sack but he let me carry it since he found it amusing that i could act like it wasn't the heaviest thing i've carried. when i found out, i ignored him for a whole minute. but the man started pouting and giving me puppy eyes and guess what? they were the cutest pair of puppy eyes i've ever seen and his pout made him look like a child and i fucking love children and cute things. i ended up forgiving him, yay for me.

"miya dear, you can go rest. i'll manage the bakery," taehyung's aunt offers. taehyung, he's been gone all morning. he told me he had to go somewhere and attend to important things. i asked him about it and he said it was top secret. top secret my right foot. i shake my head, "it's fine, i can still work more--"

"no wonder taehyung has a liking towards
you," she comments and i freeze. what the fuck do you mean liking towards me??? me???? okay calm down, it's a friend. liking as a friend. taehyung's aunt continues, "go on, dear. there aren't any customers yet, i can manage"

i opened my mouth to decline but she beat me to it, "i am not taking no as an answer, young lady. now go," she giggles. i pout and thank her before entering the house. taehyung's home has become my home as well. which reminds me, i have never thanked him for letting me stay with him for basically the rest of his life. i'm such a bad wife-- i mean friend, silly me.

i walk over to the bed to lay down, but i spot something resting on the table. pictures, they were pictures. instead of walking over to the bed, i walk over to the table and took a hold of the pictures. they were pictures of an incredibly handsome man and a beautiful woman. they looked young, in love and happy. they both resembled taehyung.

"those are my parents," i jump, suddenly hearing a deep voice. i glare at him and he grins at me while walking closer, "you didn't have to surprise me like that," i roll my eyes and he apologizes. "my mother's very beautiful, yes?"

i nod, a smile making it's way on my lips, "she really is, your father is really handsome as well," i comment. taehyung wiggles his eyebrows, "that's where i got my handsome looks from" i give him a look of disgust in which he laughs of. he was beautiful, i already said that countless of times and will continue saying it but i am certainly not going to admit it to him to boost his ego.

"they look very happy, where are they?"

"they're dead," i choke on air, taehyung immediately pats my back with a genuinely concerned face, "are you okay?," he asked with genuine concern laced in his tone. i quickly nod, "i'm so sorry i asked!! fuck i'm so stupid--"

taehyung laughed, "no, it's fine. i was planning on telling you anyway," he calmly said. my eyes soften and he leads me to the bed where we both sit in front of each other. "my mother, she died giving birth to me. as for my father, his death was a mystery. my aunt and everyone here don't know what happened to him, he just disappeared," he sadly spoke.

"when that happened, my aunt decided to take me and raise me as her own since she and her husband couldn't conceive," he continued. i tilt my head to the side, thinking about where taehyung's aunt's husband is. as if he read my mind, "my uncle also die. he died peacefully, in his sleep when i was six. i never understood death at that age, my aunt just told he was going to be sleeping for a long time," he bitterly chuckled, "i remember telling her that was impossible because people can't sleep for a very long time. when i turned nine, that was when i realized he died"

my heart was breaking so much for taehyung. he was such a happy person, you wouldn't know he's been through a lot. "you've been through a lot, tae. you're so strong"

he showed me a warm smile, "my aunt has always been with me ever since. she has never left my side, she's almost like my mother-figure. but i will never forget my parents, of course. all i had was my aunt," he looked at me in the eye, "at least, before you came"

i felt butterflies in my stomach. i felt like my heart was going to explode, heat was making its way to my cheeks.  "i'm really glad you came in my life, miya."

"i'm really glad i met you too, tae,"  i admit, tucking my hair behind my ear. he smiled, the box like grin he always wore, "i have both you and my aunt in my life now and i couldn't be more grateful"

me too, tae. me too.


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