5 Cut the Cord

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I startle myself awake, confused where I was for a minute. Blinking away the sleep in my eyes as I look around, Chris's familiar room greets me.

My body aches from the abuse I've subjected it to in the last 24 hours. I don't fully understand what Derek did to me that day. I thought he just told me not to tell, not actually voodoo magiced me into not even being able to say anything to him under pain of death. Hell I can't even think about it without pain.

It would have been nice for him to have warned me instead of forcing me to swear an oath and run. I haven't seen him since, almost a month later?

'Asshole has some 'splaining to do.' 'More then that! He better fix this shit.'

I groan getting up from his warm bed, the worst ache is not shockingly in my abdomen. Chris must have put me to bed as I was left in my tank top and panties. I slipped on yoga pants and one of his sweaters before stepping out of his room.

The hallway and house was quiet as I made my way to the kitchen, a quick glance outside shows it's night. I have no idea how long I slept but I still felt exhausted.

"How are you feeling now?" Claire asks as I enter the kitchen.

"Better now, but still exhausted," I say taking a seat at the earthy coloured granite counter.

"Here," Kate says as she sets a steaming plate of beef and broccoli with snow peas infront of me. "You'll feel better after you eat." Claire sets the soya sauce out for me as I grab the chopsticks.

"This is so good, literally my top three foods." My stomach was reminding me I haven't eaten anything since the peanutbutter toast at 3am.

"Thank you lu-Jess," Kate says with a shy smile, I beam back at her.

"Do I want to know where everyone else is?"

Claire shifts uncomfortably. "I'm not sure I'm supposed to talk about it," she mumbles. "I can link Chris and let him know you're up?"

"Thanks," I say digging back into dinner.

I feel Chris come in within moments of Claire linking him. He walks up behind me wrapping me up in his arms. My head lulls to the side as he drops his head and breaths deeply.

"Bad day?" I ask innocently. I feel him smirk against my neck.

"It's improving," he admits, taking a seat next to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I say with a smile.

"You feel up to meeting someone and ending this?" He asks and I nod. "Let's go then."

He wraps an arm protectively around me and leads me towards the boardroom. Despite his comforting presence, I can feel my tension and anxiety building as I try and push it away.

The room is as large as I remember with a long table down the center lined with chairs. It's dimly lit, with everyone sitting at the far end. I don't recognize the man at the end, his short grey hair is in a military crew cut. Keen grey eyes, crooked nose, strong jaw, average height and strong build all distract from who he really is.

If Derek's full energy was sickening, this man could make me puke on the spot I think. There was a scary quality to it, but I don't think it's evil? He's definitely not someone I want to mess with.

"So this is the girl then?" He asks, studying me with a frown.

"Don't let her fool you," Derek warns.

"You make me sound like a danger to society," I grumble.

"You are," the mystery man states coldly.

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