Chapter Five

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The meeting of Jacob Black and motorcycles...

The meeting of Jacob Black and motorcycles

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Everest Weller would admit to herself that she was never very good at having friends

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Everest Weller would admit to herself that she was never very good at having friends. Now it wasn't that she was a bad friend, per say; however she would always give too much. Too much attention, too much care, and when she felt her position in said friends life was threatened, well let's say she could get territorial.
So it was no surprise when Bella Swan, Everest's new best friend she was  maybe-kinda-sorta developing feelings for; introduced the girl to Jacob Black, Everest was less than pleased.
However, she knew her flaws when it came to friendships, and so she bit her tongue with a stiff smile plastered on her face as she introduced herself to the boy.

The day had started out relatively normal, she had gotten out of bed after a sleepless night just as the sun was peeking over the horizon. It was a rare partly sunny day in forks, with no rain hovering over the forecast. Usually on mornings like these, after nights that Everest spends staring up at the ceiling watching memories dance across the white surface like a projector took the images right from her head; that Everest is the only one awake as she readies herself for the day. However, she is surprised to find that she is the last one awake, with both her remaining siblings and parents talking quietly over breakfast.

She pauses on the steps, as her mother takes notice of her;

"Everest honey! Come on down and get some breakfast." She tells her
daughter cheerily.

Monachopsis (E. Cullen+ B.Swan) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now