Thu Jul 23 2020

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      Remember what it felt like to be a teenager.


Being a teenager for some was hard, and others were easy because you already know who you were in life. Not having to worry about the next meal or where you were going to sleep because you had someone looking after you. You were a kid turning to figure out who you wanted to be. Trying out different things to express yourself for people to understand you a little but not a lot because you want to keep guessing what you are. During our teenage years, we lost so many friends with different friends groups they want to be in so bad. You just had to learn that things change for the better in life, and we experience things differently, like our first change in our body from the child body to the adult body. Your friends are explaining things better than your parents did. Having your first kiss in a school dance and not knowing if the guy liked you back. Later to find out that your friend wanted him to. You were running to the bathroom to cry because it was embarrassing that you did that. You were just regretting it for the rest of your middle school year—the trama of letting other people's feelings come first then yours. Learn everything from bad to good in relationship or money ways to get new things like a shoe, top, etc. Feeling that teenage dreams coming back to haunt you or give you enjoy what you do in the present life. No matter what you think. Your adolescent years got you where you are right now. I do not doubt because, without that, you would be more lost then you are now. I hope you know that.

- N.M.

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