𝔉𝔩𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔙𝔢𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔩𝔢𝔰

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MILO STARED AT THE TWO GIRLS. The Atlantean looked eager and almost as if her life depended on it whilst (Name) looked like a young kid in school, the ones who actually wanted to be there.

''Uh, okay?'' He said before opening the book and then began to read off of it. (Name) had no idea what was going on, she clearly hadn't thought this all the way through - she couldn't speak or read the language whilst the Atlantean could. So, she simply sat there, admiring the way Milo looked so concentrated over what he was reading.

The Atlantean glanced at her, also realising her clear disadvantage, and began to translate it out loud for her. ''Follow the narrow passage for another league. There you will find the fifth marker.''

''Yeah. Yeah, that's it. How was my accent?''

''Boorish, provincial,'' She dismissed casually. ''And you speak it through your nose.''

Milo nodded with a forced smile, rubbing the back of his neck. ''Yeah, gotta work on that.''

(Name) smiled at him. ''Well, I'm not as used to the language as she is, but it sounded better than your last few speeches. More relaxed and not as robotic.''

''Thanks, (Name),'' he muttered to himself as the two girls had already began to walk off. He smiled, cheeks aflame as he jogged to catch up. (Name) was eagerly waiting for what the Princess was trying to show them and when they came to a stop in what looked like the middle of no where, she bobbed up and down on her feet.

The stranger grabbed what looked like a large shrub and yanked it, revealing it was just a blanket hiding something much bigger underneath it.

''What? It looks like some sort of vehicle,'' Milo announced and (Name) tilted her head, her hand coming to her chin in thought.

''Yes. But no matter what I try, it will not respond.''

''Okay, let's see what we got here,'' Milo said, crouching in front of it. To be completely honest, (Name) had no idea about anything Atlantean, just that it was a legendary city that got sunk so there was no way she could help, but she crouched down anyway, if not to help then to watch Milo.

''Press crystal into slot,'' Milo read and (Name) realised that those pretty patterns engraved into the side weren't just patterns, but instructions.

''Yes, yes, I have done that,'' the Atlantean dismissed easily.

''Gently place your hand on the inscription pad.''


''Okay, did you turn the crystal one quarter-turn back?''

''Yes. Yes!''

''While your hand was on the inscription pad?''

''Ye- No.''

Milo chuckled. ''Ah, well, that's your problem right there.'' He said as he stood, (Name) eagerly following him, waiting to see her new friend ride the vehicle. ''It's an easy thing to miss. Eh, you deserve credit for even getting this far.'' He spotted Kida's unamused look and (Name)'s very amused one and stopped talking. ''Okay, uh, give it a try.''

The Princess grabbed her necklace, the crystal freely dangling from it and (Name)'s eyes widened, no longer paying attention to the Atlantean as she sharply turned to face Milo.

''Milo, there's something I need to-''

''Can it wait, (Name)?'' Milo asked, not even looking at her as he stared at the white-haired woman and the vehicle, watching her trying to make it work. He had such an excited look on his face that (Name) couldn't bring it upon herself to be the one to wipe it off.

''Sure, Milo. It can wait,'' she said, though she highly doubted it could wait for very long, if at all.

There was a high pitched mechanical squeal as the inscription's and the vehicle's 'eyes' lit up a pale blue, matching the crystal perfectly, and it began to hover a meter above the ground.

The Princess muttered something in Atlantean and Milo chuckled half-heartedly. ''Yeah, you got that right,'' he said. (Name) stared up at the machine, part of her wanting to jump on and ride into the sunset, the other part was trying to convince her that she had no idea how to fly and it would end badly.

''With this thing we'll be able to see the whole city in no time,'' (Name) said, ignoring her voice of logic as she hastily approached the vehicle, Milo right behind her.

''I wonder how fast it goes,'' he muttered, reaching out for the glowing pad. He didn't do anything more than gently pressing the tip of his index finger on it, but that was more than enough as the vehicle took off, hitting and rebounding off of multiple things before flying at full speed towards them. (Name) let out a startled scream as Milo dived, bringing her down to the floor as it whizzed above them.

The Atlantean slowly turned her head to look at them.

Milo laughed awkwardly, his cheeks red hot as he released (Name) from the death grip he had locked her in. (Name) shrugged up at the Atlantean innocently. ''So, who's hungry?''

''You know, we were never properly introduced,'' Milo said as the three slowly stood up.

''My name is Kidagakash,'' the Atlantean said and (Name) paused, freezing on the spot as she tried to mentally repeat the name, blinking dumbly as she did so.

''Yeah, uh, you got a nickname?'' Milo asked, rubbing the back of his neck. The Princess laughed as she looked down at the two of them from where she had began to climb.


''Kida,'' (Name) repeated, testing it out on her tongue before smiling. ''Yeah, that's much easier. I'm (Name), by the way.'' She climbed as quickly as she could after Kida and Milo did the same.

After a while, they reached the top of the large statue and whilst Kida sat down casually, (Name) and Milo remained standing, staring at the city in awe. She shifted her head slightly to glance at Milo and almost instantly her smile dropped. Moving slowly, as if not to startle him, she linked their hands, catching his attention. 

''What's wrong?'' She whispered in case he didn't want Kida to know of his sudden tears.

''Oh, uh nothing, just something in my eye,'' Milo said with a shrug and though (Name) didn't believe him in the slightest, she smiled and squeezed his hand. Milo turned his head to look at her and a small smile sprouted on his lips before he turned back to the view, blinking away the tears before any could fall. ''You know, my grandpa used to tell me stories about this place, as far back as I can remember. I just wish he could be standing here with me.''

(Name) squeezed his hand again.

So, we have learnt that I am indeed a liar. I am really sorry about the late update and I am definitely trying my best to update as quickly as possible, but since you were all so nice in the comments I assumed it was alright for me to take my time. The fact that you weren't putting any pressure on me helped a lot and hopefully I'll be back to quick updates in no time!

Thank you all so so much for your support!

𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒 》 MILO THATCHTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang