𝔐𝔶𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔶 ℭ𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢

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"GIVE ME EXTERIOR LIGHTS," Roarke said calmly. The submarine slowly drifted through the Ocean as one of the sailors at the control panel messed with the lights like he was asked to.

The lights inside switched off to allow them a better view of the outside world. (Name) gulped as she was suddenly engulfed in the darkness. Unconsciously, she found herself shift towards Milo. Though a better option was probably Dr. Sweet.

The two exterior lights worked like spotlights as they slowly surveyed the area. Moving to reveal numerous shipwrecks scattered along the seabed.

"Look at that," Helga whispered in astonishment. (Name) wondered what had made her think that she wasn't already looking.

"There's ships here from every era." Milo adjusted his glasses on his face, trying to ensure that he won't miss anything.

"Dr. (Last Name)," Rourke said and (Name) turned to look at him. "Do you know of anything that could create this?"

(Name) frowned as she turned back to the scene, slightly chewing in the corner of her bottom lip. "I mean, sure, a few creatures can cause a ship wreck if they feel like their in danger. But to this scale? I've never seen anything like it."

Packard put out her cigarette with her drink, the cup was full of them, and switched a flick. Her eyebrows furrowed at the odd sound that echoed through her ears. "Commander, I think you should hear this."

But Rourke was occupied as he listened to Milo read from the Shepherds Journal with an expression that could only be polite interest.

"Preh desh tim lo - tunag na gep."

(Name) found herself wondering how he could possibly understand what that meant. She found herself on her top toes, trying to pry over his shoulder to see if the words made more sense than the pronunciation. They didn't.

Milo smiled once he had finished translating it in his head, "We must enter the lair of the Leviathon, there you will find the entrance to the gateway."

"Huh," (Name) said, still trying to understand how Milo could read it so easily. Milo jumped at (Name)'s sudden voice as he turned to see her staring at the book from his shoulder. He could practically feel her breathing. He gulped, trying to control his blush.

"Yes, Ms. Packard, what is it?" Commander Rourke asked. Packard had been trying to get his attention for the last five minutes.

"I'm picking up something on the Hydroform I think you should hear."

"Put it on speaker," Rourke said dismissively. Packard rolled her eyes before flicking the switch, allowing noise to echoe around the room.

The sound was strange, like a wailing noise. (Name) instantly racked her brain for what it could be. Her mind played Whale sounds but none matched anything like this.

"(Name)?" Milo whispered, as if he feared that if he spoke too loud the noise would attack.

"Doesn't sound like any animal I've ever heard," she whispered back, not wishing to disturb the noise. Her eyes scanned the windows in search of the source but they only found shipwrecks and stones.

"What is is? A pod of whales?" Rourke asked and (Name) shook her head.

"Ah ah, it's something a lot bigger. It'll have a different structure too. It'll be flatter and wider, probably."

"You can tell all that from the sound?" Milo asked.

"Hey, you have your language," (Name) teased as she gestured to the book.

"Sounds metallic," Helga said as she approached Packard, she reached over the older woman to turn a dial up, making the sound louder. "Could be an echoe off one of the rocks."

"Hey, you wanna do my job?" Packard said, glaring at Helga before she shrugged and leaned back in her chair, "be my guest."

"Is it just me or is that getting louder?"

The noise slowly dimmed into silence. "Wellz whatever it was, it's gone now," Helga said, shrugging.

(Name) frowned, biting the corner of her lip again as she looked at all the wrecked ships. "I don't think it's gone. We're a danger to it."

"Helmsman!" Rourke said, getting the attention of the sailor at the wheel. "Bring us about and turn off-"

The Commander was cut off as the ship suddenly shook, sending Helmsman and others onto the floor. "Oof!" (Name) squealed as she prepared herself to hit the ground. When she didn't she opened her eyes to see she had fallen into Milo, and not onto the floor.

"You alright?" He asked as he furrowed his brows. (Name) nodded, she stopped leaning on his chest and backed away, clearing her throat awkwardly as she tried to hide her bright blush.


AN ALARM RANG AS THE SHIP CONTINUED TO SHUDDER, Sailors were struggling to stay on their feet as they tried to reach their posts. Audery managed to stay on her feet, however, as she ran through the halls, the odd angle of which the ships floor was on didn't bother her as she jumped over Sailors, muttering and cursing under her breath. "Get outta the way!"

The Commander turned to his Leiutenant, "Tell Cookie to melt the butter and break out the bibs. I want this lobster served on a silver platter."

"Load the torpedoes! Subparticules! Battle stations!"

(Name) winced as she was thrown against the rail, the metal digging into her side and temporarily winding her. Slowly, she raised her head and stared at the creature as it swam past. She was stuck in a state of awe. No lobster was that big. "Leviathon." The monster grabbed the ship in its claw and shook it about. (Name) toppled over the rail and landed on the glass. She looked down to see a giant red eye staring at her.

She let out a small scream but it stopped as she noticed something. She leaned closer to see that it had odd markings in its eye. They moved to reveal a pupil.


(Name) was cut off as Milo ran towards her, he had been thrown onto the glass too. "(Name)! Move!" (Name) slowly got to her feet. Milo grabbed her hand and pulled her over the rail.

"It's a machine," she told him, sounding out of breath. Her hair was loose from the pony tail it had been in, strands of wild hair framing her pale face. She looked terrified. Yet, her voice didn't shake and she spoke like she was in charge. She spun out of Milo's grip and cupped her mouth, "It's a machine!" The Commander looked at her then at the creature before nodding at (Name).

When Dr. (Last Name) tells you that it's not any animal she's heard of, then it's not any animal.

"Launch the Subpods!"

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