𝔄 𝔐𝔞𝔨𝔢-𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔣𝔱 𝔖𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔦𝔠𝔢

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(NAME)'S EARS POPPED AS THE POD BROKE THROUGH, Audrey opened the pod without hesitation, not wanting to be in their anymore - vomit was not a nice smell. (Name) smiled as she happily hopped out, her feet firmly touching the ground. Her smile fell, however, when she turned and saw how many survivors there was. Two exploration pods and one escape pod.

(Name) cracked a small smile when Vinny and Mole emerged from their pod. She felt guilty at being happy that her friends were alright and others weren't, but if you're wanting to go on expeditions, it was something you would have to get used to. Though (Name) knew that no one got used to death. Not really.

From the escape pod, a light appeared on top. (Name) spotted Rourke, Helga, Cookie, Sweet and Milo and a few sailors she didn't know. Her smile widened.

The torch moved to reveal a large statue carved out of some sort of stone had fallen besides a tunnel. Looking around, (Name) realised it was their only exit. Apart from the grease trap that led to a killer robot- but (Name) would wager that they weren't going back that way.

The whole group reached solid ground. They spoke, but their voices were heavy and quiet. "Hey,"  soft voice spoke. (Name) turned her head to see Milo had approached her. (Name) had separated herself from the rest and sat at the edge of the water, looking out. Ungracefully, Milo sat next to her.

"Hey," (Name) replied back, her voice sounding hoarse as she turned back to stare at the deep, blue mass. Sighing when she realised how rude she was being, she turned back to Milo, shaking her head as she did so. "I - sorry. I just don't react that well to - well, y'know."

Milo smiled slightly, happy that she was opening up to him. "That's fine. I don't think it's actually possible to react well to it. You know? The best you can do is remember them."

An idea popped into (Name)'s head and she smiled. She stood up, dusting her hands before she offered one out to Milo. "C'mon."

And that was how the group got here. They had gathered around the edge of the water. (Name) carefully held a wooden bowl that had a single candle in the middle of it. Dr. Sweet took out a lighter and carefully lit it for her. Moving slowly as to not drop the candle, (Name) approached the water. She crouched down and gently set the bowl onto the unsteady surface. She stepped back as they all watched the candle float away. The remaining soldiers took their hats off and held to to their chests, their other hand resting in a salut out of respect.

"Seven hours ago, we set off on this expedition with two hundred of the finest men and women I've ever known." A few tears pricked up in the corner of (Name)'s eyes. A hand was placed on her back to try and reassure her. (Name) smiled as she gave Vinny a thankful look. "And now, we're all that's left."

Looking around, (Name) was able to see all the distraught faces. They had all lost someone, friends, family, partners... Guilt filled (Name) when she realised that all if hers had survived. She sniffed quietly as she turned back to the water, watching the candle illuminate the cave as if drifted away.

"I won't sugar coat it, gentlemen; we have a crisis on out hands. But, we've been up this particular creak before, and we've always come through."

Sweet placed his arm around Audrey, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze. Mole brought out a rock and held it to his chest like a teddy bear. Vinny's hand was still on (Name)'s upper arm. She turned her head to see that no one was comforting Milo. He was left alone to mourn. Slowly, (Name) reached her hand out to take his, looking back in front in fear of what his reaction would be.

Milo nearly jumped out of his skin when his thought process was interrupted by a warm object taking his hand. He looked down to see a small, frail one lacing their fingers with his. He followed the arm to see (Name), her gaze never leaving the water.

A sad smile reached his lips. Though her action had given out a warm feeling in his chest, it was still under unfortunate circumstances. Turning back to the front, he gave her hand a squeeze. He smiled when he received one back.

"-We've ways come through, paddle or no paddle. I see no reason to change that policy now."

(Name) looked at her Commander, she had expected him to change what was supposed to be a funeral into a motivational speech. But to give out jobs? Orders? Whilst they were mourning? She shook her head slightly in disbelief.

"From here on out, everyone pulls double duty: everyone drives, everyone works..." Rourke turned around and began to walk up some aging stairs. He turned to Milo, everyone following pursuit. "Looks like all our chances of survival rest with you, Mr. Thatch."

(Name) couldn't stop herself from giving his had a squeeze again, letting him know that she was still there.

"You and that little book..." Rourke placed his hat on again, signalling that the memorial service was over. "Okay, people, saddle up."

The hand on her upper hand gave one final squeeze before dropping as Vinny walked over to his cart, others following orders too as they moved to their own vehicle.

(Name) turned back to Milo when he didn't release her hand. He was staring at the book he held in his free hand.

"Leuitenant! I want this convey moving five minutes ago!"

"C'mon," (Name) said softly, not wanting to scare Milo as she snapped him out of his thoughts again. Tou can ride with me. Nodding, Milo smiled. Their hands dropped as (Name) lead him to a smaller truck, the back was filled with empty jars and vials along with what looked like medical kit. But Milo assumed it was more for animals than people. Milo took the passenger seat as (Name) walked around a d took the wheel.

"Here we go," she said, trying to stay motivated as she glanced at the book in Milo's lap.

She rolled her eyes as Packard's voice echoed around the cave.

"We're all gonna die."


𝐀𝐲𝐲! 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝!

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