𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔏𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔠𝔥

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MILO GAGGED SLIGHTLY, bringing his hands to his mouth as he rushed the the rail that went around the ship's deck. He couldn't tell if he couldn't keep it in because of his sea sickness or excitment-

He leaned over the rail quickly, almost losing his glasses. No, it was definately the sea sickness.

"Carrots," Milo shook his head in confusment. "Why's it always carrots? I didn't even eat carrots.

"Attention," a bored voice echoed from the speakers. "All hands to the launch bay. To whoever took the 'L' from the Motor Pool sign, ha ha, we're all very amused."

Milo reached down, scooping up his bag and placing it over his shoulder as he headed back inside, praying that he wouldn't hurl all over his crew.

"Excuse me?" He asked a woman stood in the shadows. "I need to, uh, report in?"

"Yes Mr. Thatch?" The woman turned around and Milo jumped in shock.

"Ah! I-It's you-!"

"Blondie! I got a bone to pick with you!" A small man yelled as a crane placed a box down, him sitting inside it.

"Hold that thought." The woman rolled her eyes before turning to him. "What is it this time, Cookie?"

"You've gone stuffed my wagon with none essentials," he said, gesturing to what he was sitting in. He grabbed a small box, placing it on his knee. He stuck his head in and began to throw glass bottles out of it. "Look at all this! Cinnamon. Reynolds. Alantro?"

He looked up from his box, picking it up and hurling the full thing away from him. "What in the God devil's Alantro?" He spotted an odd green ball that seemed to be peeling. He picked it up, holding it out to the Lieutenant. "What is this?"

"That would be lettuce, Cookie," she rolled her eyes, pushing it back towards him.

"Lettuce?" He asked as he looked at the thing with disgust. "Lettuce!"

"It's a vegetable, Cookie," Helga told him. She took the lettuce off of him and placed it back in the box. "The men need their four basic food groups."

"I've got ya four basic food groups!" Cookie yelled defensively as he shoved three fingers in her face, counting off them as he spoke, "Beans, bacon, whiskey and la-"

Beeping sounded out. "Alright, cowboy," Helga said, shoving Cookie into the box, "pack it up."

Milo found himself surrounded by some very serious looking soldiers. He gulped as he walked forward, stopping when they did. He stumbled slightly when the platform they were on began to lower itself.

"Hey, junior," a voice said as a trolley got pushed into his back. Milo turned around. "If you're looking for the money rides, they're back there."

"E-Excuse me?" Milo called after him. "You dropped your, uh, dy-dynamite."

The man pulled his truck back, taking the red stock off of Milo. "What else have you, uh, got in there?"

"Oh, you know, gunpowder, nitroglycerin, notepad, fuses, wicks, glue, ehhh, paper clips. Big ones. Just office supplies," he shrugged.

The man continued moving forward and Milo hesitated. "Hey, you lost too?" A soft voice spoke and Milo turned around. He looked for a second, but didn't see anyone. "Am I really that short?" They asked, sounding amused and Milo looked down to see a girl, around his age, smiling up at him.

His cheeks flared in embarrassment. She wasn't that small at all, he had just not been expecting someone of that height. "What? No, I, um, my glasses are dirty." He nodded, quickly taking them off his face and scrubbing them.

"Nice recovery," she laughed and Milo's face flushed again as he put his glasses on his face again. She held a hand out to him, "(Full Name), nice to meet you."

"Uhh, Milo Thatch," he said, nearly forgetting his name as he shook her hand. "So are you going on the expedition?"

"Yeah, I was following Vinny, but I've lost him. He stopped walking and I didn't realise until he was gone," (Name) shrugged.

"Milo! See you've found Dr. (Last name)," they turned to see Preston Whitemore.

"D-Doctor?" Milo asked in shock as he turned the the girl. But she hadn't heard him, she was already talking to the tall man Mr. Whitmore had been walking with.

"Milo, I want you to meet Commander Rourke," Mr. Whitmore said. The man and (Name) stopped their conversation and turned to the two when the Commander's name was spoken. "He led the Iceland team that brought the journal back."

"Milo Thatch," the Commander said. Milo practically dropped his bag in order to shake hands with him. "Pleasure to finally meet the grandson of Thaticus."

(Name)'s eyes widened. No wonder Milo seemed familiar! She couldn't believe she hadn't figured it out earlier.

"Pretty impressive, ey?" Mr. Whitmore said, elbowing Milo as they all turned to face the large submarine.

"Boy, when you settle a bet, you-you settle a bet," Milo said, looking around in awe.

"Well, your grandfather ways believed that you couldn't put a price on knowledge," Mr. Whitmore said.

"Smart man," (Name) muttered, side glancing the Commander.

"Yeah well, believe me, this will be small value compared to what we'll learn in the trip."

"Yes, this should be enriching for all of us," the Commander said.

"Attention to all personal. The launch commences in fifteen minutes."

"Mr. Whitmore," the commander nodded in respect before turning and leaving.

"Goodbye, Mr. Whitmore!" (Name) yelled with a smile over her shoulder as she waved, trying to catch up to the commander at the same time. Milo quickly did the same thing.

(Name) smiled as they dispatched from the actual ship, the submarine becoming free as the began to dive. No matter how many expeditions she had been on, no matter how many times she had been in a submarine, it never got old. It was one of her favourite feelings.

"So..." Milo said once the Commander left for the controls. He was hoping to start a conversation but he couldn't think of anything to talk about.

But that didn't matter as (Name) grabbed his hand and began to drag him away. "C'mon!" She yelled excitedly and Milo smiled, clutching tightly into his bag.

"You've never been in a submarine, right?" She asked. She looked over her shoulder to see him nod and her smile grew. "You're gonna love this then."

They stopped in front of a large window. Milo gasped as he pressed his hands onto the glass, staring as the submarine moved. The sea creatures parted to let them through. You could see little air bubbles rising to the surface.

"Look, a Carcharhinus Leucas!" (Name) said, eagerly pointing out a bull shark. Milo gulped.

"We're safe in here, right?" He asked, moving the collar away from his neck nervously.

"Should be." (Name) said, not really paying attention as the creature swam past them, not so much as giving the ship a glance.

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