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MILO WATCHED AS THEY WENT. The second the vehicle boarded that bridge, the light in everyone's crystals began to dim. Despite having lived his whole life on the surface, where the crystals were a figment of his imagination, Milo had never seen such a contrast in light, the world turning gray as though it was only a picture, already an exhibit.

''We can't let him do this!'' Milo yelled suddenly, spinning around to lunge after the last vehicle, Vinny following suit. But, instead of helping him, he hooked his arms around Milo's shoulders, pulling him back.

''Wait a second.'' Pausing, mostly because of his confusion, Milo turned back to watch the vehicles leave. Once the final wheel had left the bridge, there was a loud beeping sound. Milo didn't have time to even attempt to figure out what it was because it already happened before he could process it.

There was a loud 'boom' - the loudest one Milo had ever heard and he and Vinny dived backwards, feeling the heat of the flames pressing against their backs. Moving his hands from where they had shielded his head, Milo gaped, splinters and chunks of wood still falling around him.

''Okay, now you can go.''

What felt like seconds for Milo, felt like an eternity for the Atlanteans. Whilst his adrenaline made him sprint up the stairs and into the King's chambers, desperation in his every step, others moved just as fast but their mind lagged, the feeling of their missing life force taking a toll on them all. 

''How's he doing?'' Milo asked, his tone was still soft but there was a heavy burden that they could all sense.

''Not good, I'm afraid,'' Sweet said, placing his stethoscope around his neck, turning away from the King to watch Milo enter through the doors. ''Internal bleeding. There's nothing more I can do.'' He shuffled to the side to allow Milo to crouch down beside him.

''What a nightmare. And I brought it here.''

''Ah, don't go beating yourself up. He's been after that crystal since Iceland.''

Milo scratched his head, frowning. ''Wait, Sweet, that's it! The crystals. These crystals,'' he reached forwards to hold the King's necklace, still a blue but no longer glowing. ''They have some sort of healing energy. I - I've seen it work.''

''No,'' the King croaked, reaching up to take Milo's hand, covering up the crystal and any shine it had left. ''Where is my daughter?''

Milo winced slightly. ''Well, she, uh, she's knocked out.''

The King nodded, as though he had known this anyway. ''And your friend?'' Milo winced again, but this time he didn't answer. ''She has been chosen, just like many before her, my own wife included.''

''What?'' Milo whispered, leaning forward to listen better. He didn't want to loose his love too, especially considering he hadn't even told her yet.

''In times of danger, the crystal will choose a host. One of royal blood, to protect itself and it's people - it will accept no other.''

''Choose?'' Sweet asked. ''So it's alive?''

''In a way - yes. The crystal thrives on the collective emotions of all who came before us. In return, it provides power, longevity, protection. As it grew, it developed a conscience of its own. In my arrogance, I sought to use it as a weapon of war, but its power proved too great to control. It overwhelmed us, and lead to our destruction.''

''That's why you hid it beneath the city,'' Milo said, rubbing the side of his face as the King coughed. ''To keep history from repeating itself.''

''And to prevent Kida from suffering the same fate as my beloved wife.''

''What do yo mean? What's gonna - Hold on! Time-out,'' to show this, Milo stood up, repeatedly tapping his inner wrist on top of the fingers of his other hand, creating a 'T' shape. ''You said of royal blood, (Name) isn't royal - she isn't even Atlantean!''

The King took his wrist to stop his ranting. ''There used to be several Rulers in Atlantis, we believed it prevents Civil Wars, it didn't allow Tyrants to fall into power as no single soul was in charge of the city. However, as Atlantis grew and expanded, we forgot the fears of the past, and we disassembled the Ten Kings, sending them to different parts of the world to explore and ally our self with others, to share our discoveries in hopes of gaining some knowledge in return. We believed we could handle having one soul ruler. I'm afraid I proved them wrong I believe (Name) is a decedent of one of these Kings.''

''Wh... What's going to happen to her?'' Milo asked softly, his head shook at the sudden information dump, but he did well to process it quickly in hopes of being able to help her.

''If she remains bonded to the crystal, she could be lost forever. My daughter has truer blood, having been born and raised in Atlantis, her mother one of our people, but (Name) was separated, the power may deem to much for her to bare. My own power, my responsibilities, will be passed onto Kida, but for now, you will take her place.'' With shaky hands, the King lifted his necklace, Milo had to hesitantly duck in order for him to place it around his neck.


''Return the crystal. Save Atlantis and its people. Save your friend.'' His hands fell onto his chest, limp. Guards closed their eyes to stop any falling tears, kneeling beside their spears in mourn.

Sweet closed his medical bag, pausing to take a deep breath. It as always hard to loose a patient, even if they weren't officially under his care. Humming slightly in thought, he turned to Milo. ''So, what's it gonna be?''

''Excuse me?'' Milo asked, lifting his head to glance over his shoulder.

Sweet gestured to him with his bag before moving it over to the door. ''I followed you in, and I'll follow you out. It's your decision.''

''Oh, my decision! Well, I think we've seen how effective my decisions have been. Let's recap,'' he held a finger up to make sure Sweet wouldn't interrupt before counting on his hand. ''I lead a band of plundering vandals to the greatest archaeological find in recorded history, falling in love with one, thus enabling the kidnap and, or murder of the royal family. Not to mention personally delivering the most powerful force known to man into the hands of a mercenary nutcase, who's probably going to sell it and her to the Kaiser!'' Milo slammed the Shepards Journal onto the ground in fury. ''Have I left anything out?''

''Well, you did set the camp on fire, and drop us down that big hole.''

''Thank you.'' Milo threw his hands up as if there was an applauding audience in front of him, slowly wandering over to a knocked over vase he used as a seat. ''Thank you very much.''

Sweet smiled slightly, bending down to scoop the journal up. ''Of course, it's been my experience that when you hit rock bottom, the only place left to go is up.''

''Who told you that?'' Milo sighed, his shoulders sulking.

''You know, I asked the same question when (Name) told me.'' Milo glanced up, smiling slightly. ''Apparently a fella by the name of Thaddeus Thatch took a liking to her.'' Milo smiled slightly, a brief chuckle leaving his chest - he knew his grandfather would've liked her. Looking down, he rubbed his thumb along the crystal before standing and letting it fall and hit his chest.

''Where are you going?'' Audrey cried when he marched past them all.

''I'm going after Rourke.''

''Milo, that's crazy.''

Milo turned to shrug at her. ''I didn't say it was the smart thing. But it is the right thing.''

Audrey gave a huge sigh. ''(Name) always liked the crazy moralists,'' rolling her eyes and pushing up imaginary sleeves, she began to march after him. ''Come on. We better make sure he doesn't hurt himself.''

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