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THE SILENT MESSAGE BETWEEN THEM WAS SIMPLE ENOUGH. 'Together'. But the meaning itself was a whole other story. (Name)'s mind was blank, and even the panic that was building up in her chest, was being suppressed, something pushing it back down and ridding of it.

Turning towards the faces, they looked up and (Name)'s mind went blank once more, everything being blocked out by some third-party.  In unison, they stepped forwards, their feet touching the water. It was half-solid beneath her feet, the sort of thing she expected jelly to be like if she was to ever try and walk on it, and the sole of her foot tingled, as though there was a bunch of tiny little electromagnetic waves zapping between herself and the water.

The beam moved with them, following their every movement as they approached the source of the light. Unfortunately, (Name) missed the gob-smacked look on the commander's face, only appearing moments after claiming nothing surprised him, as she was no longer home. Her body felt incredibly light, but she couldn't conjure any thoughts or feelings, too occupied with the old Kings. It was nice, though, being empty. It brang a sort-of unexpected peacefulness with it.

Once underneath the faces, the two looked up. It looked like a second sun, only much smaller and blue instead of yellow, but it still burnt to look at and warmed (Name)'s face and heart all the same. There was a rumbling noise, but (Name) paid it no notice. From the shore, the three watched in astonishment as the faces lifted up, staring at the ceiling now, and not their souls.

Watching, they saw Kida step forward and turn, facing (Name) as they stood parallel to one another. With no indication of anything on her face, Kida lifted up the string of her necklace and (Name) bowed her head, the two sharing it as the crystal hovered in between them.

As the faces stopped moving, freezing in place, the stray beams being emitted from the sun, focused in on the crystal, all connecting as it shrank, channeling its energy into it.

Their feet left the floor as the two rose, hand in hand, eyes closed as if in deep slumber, when actually, this was the most alive either of them had ever felt.

The faces moved again, shielding the sun from sight once more, hiding what happened when the two reached it. Their grips tightened against each other into vices at the unannounced pain. Inside the sun was much different from outside. Though still alive and peaceful, (Name) could feel the pain, like something was being forced into another, much smaller, thing. And that thing was her. Adjusting their grip, they allowed the power to transfer between one another until it found its balance, linking them in a state of equilibrium.

The faces span faster, moving away from the sun and the three on-lookers were forced to sheild their eyes at the intensity as the kings picked up momentum every split second until it looked like they'd fly out of formation - and then they slowed and the bright light dimmed to where they could see again.

Elegantly, the two floated downwards again, now the only source of light for the cave, as they had absorbed the energy force. It had a few side effects, however, as they were both completely transparent, their hair defying gravity.

''Hold your horses, loverboy,'' Rourke said.

''(Name)?'' Milo asked, the one word causing their eyes to snap open, white orbs staring at him. ''Guys?''

They stepped forwards, not touching the water this time as it bubbled in a ring around their feet. A king fell, and the splash it caused avoided the two as well, it's water washing above their heads, they were protected inside a sort of invisible shield. Another fell, and another, each one landed right next to the pair, yet they never flinched. Instead, they kept their gaze on the shore and their steps steady.

Eventually, there was no kings left to fall, and they reached the land.

Rourke reached out, Milo's hands snapped forwards. ''No, no, don't - don't touch them.''

They walked past as though none of them were there.

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