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“Jun Jun~" Eight called in a not so flirtatious manner, but you could tell he was trying to catch the small guy's attention, and when I say small, I'm talking about the height. Zero and I stood behind Eight who was too comfortable in scooting over the high chair and leaning himself forward. It seemed he was not using his augs yet, preferably to make himself more genuine into befriending the bartender. Then there my eyes landed—a glimpse of the Blue Wings's insignia peeking out from his collar as his head turned to look at Eight.

Jun Jun stared back at Eight with his eyes narrowed that the creases around his monolids went deeper, then he noticed Zero and I. “How did you know my name?”

Eight gasped dramatically, placing his hand on his mouth. “You don't remember me? You don't remember that handsome Latino buying you a d—”

“How in PHASe's filthy secrets would I know?” He slammed the shot glass, looking at us angrily. “What are your names? If you come here to piss around then I suggest you to leave.”

Eight spared me a glance, then turned back to the guy. His eyes began to glow.

“We just wanna know what PHASe is up to," he said slowly. "I heard they're freaking out with KAIROS back on tracks—but they shouldn't, right? They're having too much insecurities now that KAIROS has become more powerful.”

Word per word, it felt like I was being carried away with Eight's soothing and neutral tone. The bartender's eyes softened after, the words etching into his mind as his mouth opened to speak. “I thought you didn't know. No one knows KAIROS is back, it's such a pain in everyone's neck here. At least High Priestess and her loyal Seeker would be present tonight.”

“I heard of it, too.” Eight nodded. “It was actually one of your members who recruited us three, but we still haven't gotten our titles yet that's why we didn't have an invitation card. She's got us VIPs all in.”

“No wonder. . ." He tilted his head, eyes shifting from left to right to make sure no one else was nearby. “You must know about P.IRM11-78.”

I made a mental note on that, and with the P and next letters and numbers, it should be something related to a plan. Eight glanced at me sideways as if asking for support, and it seemed like Zero was even more clueless about it. I looked at the bartender. “It's a project, isn't it?”

“That's what I've heard. That's why I'm asking you if you know what exactly it is. Everyone in KAIROS doesn't know except for High Priestess and Temperance, and the mid-tiers, Artemis and Caron."

“Caron?” I asked subconsciously. I thought it was Icarus? And who was this Caron. . . He or she wasn't listed in the info.

“We're sorry about what happened with Icarus," Eight intervened. "KAIROS lost one of the most loyal allies they ever had. I'm glad there is now a new replacement to KAIROS' hound.”

Jun Jun snickered. “Tsk, you could say it for yourself. I heard that Caron's a mere softie to Artemis. Had no idea where that dude came from, but he's too far from fitting into this business. Heard he hated violence and whatnot. Makes a lot of trouble if you wanna know, like that car accident outside Fifth District? High Priestess better think about placing the dude in that position twice.”

“Yeah, I sure heard of that accident. . ." The glow in his eyes disappeared. "Can we have three shots of vodka?”

“Uh, Eight,” Zero swallowed, “I don't drink—”

“Are they your friends?” Jun Jun's eyebrow raised, the redness on his ears fading and soon his mood seemed to lighten up at the sight of Zero. “You know, boy, you gotta man up and learn how to drink. First time, eh?"

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