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Sehun, Rosé, Lisa, and I move through Rosé's apartment, quickly stocking weapons and assessing the ones we have for easy access. I stash appa's whittling knife and eomma's scarf in my duffel bag for safekeeping and triple-check the position of my favorite boot dagger.

I step into the bathroom and pull out my phone.

Sejeong: When you go underground you'll lose reception. I'll take my own route and follow you once you locate the bouncer.

Me: Sehun thinks he and Rosé are recognizable. So Lisa and I will track the bouncer and they'll wait near the edge of the Market. Hoping you know what that means so you don't accidentally run into them.

Sejeong: Understood.

I flush the toilet and slip out of the bathroom, joining my friends in the living room.

Sehun stands over the coffee table tying a small burlap pouches. He hands one to each of us. "There are ten darts in each, predipped in Angels' Dream," he says.

Rosé pulls out something wrapped in linen from her bag. "Here," she says, unfolding the fabric and handing me a wooden blowpipe. "I know Sehun gave you his spare, but this one is much better."

I take the blowpipe, tucking it into my coat pocket. "Thanks, Rosé," I say, and Sehun looks like he's not entirely comfortable with the gesture.

"Also," Rosé says, "about the lightning poison . . ."

Sehun's eyebrows rise, as if he knew something like this was coming.

"Do we really think it's a good idea for Suzy to have both of those darts?" Rosé shifts her eyes to me. "What if you get incapacitated? It's just poor logic."

"Let me guess," Sehun says, like he's gearing up to argue. "You think you should have one of them."

"Not me," Rosé replies with feigned innocence. "And not you, either, since we all know that if Suzy gets taken out, you're likely to be right behind her doing some inadvisable thing to save her life. I just don't think we should take any chances, considering we only have two darts of the lightning poison, which is was I'm suggesting we give one to Lisa."

Sehun looks at her suspiciously.

"I actually agree," I say responding before he can. I know Sehun doesn't trust Rosé, but Lisa is a different story. "It's too risky to have both darts in the same place. We need a contingency plan." I pull one of the small glass vials out of my coat pocket and hand it to Lisa.

"Great," Rosé says, but from the look on Sehun's face, it's clear he doesn't agree.

"Is there anything else I need to know about the Market?" I ask, putting on my coat.

"Just keep your hood up and stare ahead confidently. Strategia can smell weakness," Sehun says, pulling on his gloves. "The good news is that no one in the Market is particularly trying to attract attention; most people are conducting business or restocking supplies and don't appreciate others being overly watchful."

And just like that the conversation is over and we're headed for the door. With every step my thoughts race with hops that appa is okay and fears that he's not. Hang on Appa; we're coming.

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Sehun and Rosé lead the way into a narrow cobblestoned alley that runs between a fancy Italian restaurant and a bookstore with colorful window displays. Even though the lights on the main street are bright, the farther we go down the alley, the darker it gets.

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