Chapter 8

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Early the next morning, the sun slowly rose over the horizon bringing forth a new day. And today was the big day. 

Lurvy rushed about and did his chores in half the time it usually took. Homer Zuckerman rushed through breakfast. And everyone was getting dressed and ready to go to the fair. 

"How's this, Mom?" Kali asked, as she was finished getting dressed. 

"Perfect as always" Jane complimented on all three of her children's attire. 

"Alright," Walter then came up to his family, telling them. "Now let's go to the fair!"

"Yaaay!" The twins cheered, jumping in excitement. 

Through all the hullabaloo that morning, Mrs. Zuckerman stayed calm. The chickens even got to watch her give Wilbur a buttermilk bath, with Templeton sneakily getting in on it claiming he had a dream like this once. 

"You look fantastic, Wilbur!" The chickens told their pig friend once he was finished with his bath. 

Wilbur smiled to his friends while lifting his head up high, feeling proud of himself and extra special indeed. 

Soon it was finally time to go to the fair. The men brought a large crate out while the others prepared the truck for Wilbur. 

Walter smiled towards Wilbur as he came up to Homer with John. "I've got to say, he really is some pig"

"He's terrific!" Avery agreed. 

"He's radiant!" The twins added. 

"That's my buttermilk working" Edith boasted, earning her a playfully nudge from both Mrs. Arable and Jane. 

"You sure you want to go through with this, Homer?" John then asked his brother-in-law. "If you lose, you're out your entry fee"

"He could win, though" Homer replied confidently, looking towards Wilbur. "Stranger things have been happening around here" 

The chickens were listening in closely to the humans's conversation while also noticing Charlotte above trying to trap a fly in her web. 

"And the way I figure it, even if he does lose I can make it all back on the bacon alone" Homer said. 

Hearing that made Wilbur gasp out of horror before he suddenly fainted. 

"Wilbur!" Fern cried out, rushing over. 

Kali rushed on over with her cousin to check on Wilbur. Through all the commotion, Charlotte lost her focus and ended up falling from her web onto the ground. The humans all surrounded the pig, checking on his state. 

"He's alright" Kali assured the others to calm down, quickly checking Wilbur's pulse. "He's fine. He just fainted"

Homer ordered Lurvy to get some water while the chickens rushed over to check on Charlotte to make sure that she was okay. 

"Charlotte, are you alright?" They asked her while Ginger lowered her head down to meet the spider at eye level. 

Charlotte picked herself up before looking up towards the chickens. "I'm fine" She said to them, but then sighed which made the chickens frown, knowing what was on her mind.  

"Charlotte, are you feeling-eeling okay?" Gussy then came over asking the spider in concern, clearly knowing that something was bugging her. 

Charlotte groaned, being a bit frustrated. "Why is it so hard for that farmer to see what is right in front of his face? Look what Wilbur has done for this farm. Isn't that better than ham?" 

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