Chapter 7

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Later that day, Fern had gotten some fliers from school about the upcoming county fair which gave her her own idea on how to help Wilbur. She asked her cousins for help to put the fliers up all around the farm in hopes that her uncle would see one. 

That night, the chickens, Wilbur, and all of the other barn animals watched Charlotte this time do her magic as she miraculous spelled out the word "radiant" in her web. 

The next day, just as predicated a huge crowd had gathered in front of Zuckerman's barn to come and see what the web had to say yet again. 

"Welcome to Zuckerman's! Thank you all for coming" Homer told the crowd. 

"Well, the web says it better than I ever could. That is some terrific, radiant pig. And for that reason, I've decided to enter Wilbur in the county fair" 

The crowd cheered and applauded in great response to hearing that. The chickens also gasped with excitement. 

"I can't believe it!" Rocky said in great astonishment. 

"Well cross my tail feathers" Fowler chuckled. 

"We did it, everyone" Ginger smiled proudly to her flock. 

"The fair! The fair!" The chicks jumped up and down excitedly. 

But then Babs interrupted, asking. "Wait... What's the fair?"

"Did you hear what they said, Charlotte?" Wilbur smiled at his spider friend. "I'm going to the fair!" 

Golly laughed, watching with the rest of the animals. "Going to the fair!"

"Wilbur might just see Christmas after all" Mac and Gussy both said hopefully. 

"Is it good? Did we do it?" Wilbur asked Charlotte. 

"Yes, Wilbur. It's very good" Charlotte smiled back before reminding him. "Now, smile" 

The human family then approached Homer. 

"The fair? What's gotten into you?" Mrs. Arable asked her brother, bewildered. 

"I don't know, Sis" Homer replied, shrugging his shoulders. "It's just come to me" 

Fern, Kali and the twins then smiled at each other as they noticed Homer had one of the fair fliers in the back of his pocket. 

"Well done!" Samuel praised both Wilbur and Charlotte. "Never had a doubt!" 

"That spider did a heck of a job" Ike said, being less afraid of Charlotte now. "She's a hard worker" 

"Thank you, Charlotte" Wilbur smiled at his friend, being truly grateful. "You should take a little bow"

"And have my beauty steal the show?" Charlotte asked. 

"She's right" Ginger agreed, knowing this was Wilbur's moment after all. 

"Now go on and show them what a radiant pig can do" Charlotte insisted to Wilbur. 

Wilbur smiled towards the crowd making them applaud for him. He even did a backflip which made them cheer even more. 

Jane looked towards the chickens, being impressed by their loyalty to Wilbur. "They're such good chickens" She told her daughter. 

Kali smiled in agreement looking at her feathered companions, being so proud of them for sticking by Wilbur through it all. 

Later that evening, the animals were back in the barn getting ready for some sleep. The chickens were with Wilbur in his pen. 

"What do you do at a fair, Wilbur?" Etta asked the pig curiously. 

"Well, you win a prize if you're the biggest and the best" Wilbur told the chick. 

"You think we'll win?" Ricky asked the gang. 

"I hope so" Wilbur frowned, being a bit nervous now. 

"He has to win!" Nobby then blurted out on accident. "It's the only way he can save his life"

"Nobby!" Ginger and the other adults all glowered at the teenaged British rooster. 

Nobby suddenly covered his beak, realizing what he had just said. "Sorry" He apologized hanging his head now, feeling ashamed. 

Charlotte then came down from her web, telling Wilbur. "Pay no attention to that Wilbur" 

Wilbur sighed, trying his best to get it off his mind before he turned to Charlotte and asked her. "You're going with me aren't you, Charlotte?" 

"Well, I don't know" Charlotte replied, a bit unsure. "The fair comes at a bad time for me" 

"What do you mean you're not going to the fair? Wilbur's going to get a prize!" The chicks told the spider. 

"Yeah. Don't you want to be there?" Wilbur asked his friend, frowning a little towards her. 

"Of course I do, Wilbur, very much" Charlotte said. "I'm just not up to traveling at the moment"

"Why not?" Wilbur, plus the chicks asked her curiously. 

"Because... I'm expecting" Charlotte replied. 

"Expecting what?" Wilbur asked the spider. 

It seemed that the adult chickens knew what Charlotte was talking about, but the chicks and Wilbur did not. 

"'Expecting' means..." Charlotte started to explain but hesitated for a moment. 

"I'm expecting you to do fine without me" Charlotte replied, telling Wilbur. "You're getting to be a big pig and you'll do just great on your own" 

"She's right, Wilbur. And we'll be going along with you to keep you company" The chickens assured the pig. 

Wilbur sighed before looking at Charlotte. "Okay. I'll miss you" 

"Now, I think it's time we all get some sleep" Ginger informed the gang. 

"Early to bed, early to rise. That's what I always say, what what!" Fowler commented. 

"Yeah, and tomorrow is the big day" Rocky mentioned. 

"Indeed," Charlotte said before she sighed, looking a little tired. "There's so much to do and so little time..."

The chickens all nestled around Wilbur and started to go to sleep. But Wilbur couldn't fall asleep as his mind was too busy wandering with all kinds of thoughts on what was going to happen tomorrow. Charlotte smiled down on Wilbur from her web and decided to sing him and the chickens another lullaby to help them fall asleep better. 

"How very special are we, for just a moment to be, part of life's eternal rhyme. How very special are we to have on our family tree. Mother Earth and Father Time. He turns the seasons around, and so she changes her gown. But they always look in their prime. They go on dancing their dance, of everlasting romance. Mother Earth and Father Time~" 

"The summer larks return to sing. Oh, what a gift they give. Then autumn days go short and cold. Oh, what a joy to live. How very special are we for just a moment to be, part of life's eternal rhyme. How very special are we to have on our family tree. Mother Earth and Father Time~"

And with that, Wilbur and the chickens drifted peacefully off to sleep while Charlotte smiled down on them. 

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