Chapter 6

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The next day, it happened all over again. Templeton enjoyed getting free slops out of this after Lurvy dropped the bucket, running off to tell Zuckerman another miracle had happened. 

"This web thing is really paying off" The rat smiled, munching on his free food. 

This time the web read "Terrific" clear as day. With history repeating itself crowds came from near and far to see the sensation of the web, and it made the front page news yet again. 

The chickens and barn animals were gathered outside with Wilbur while the crowd took pictures of him and cheered all while admiring this terrific pig. 

"This is turning out pretty good so far" Rocky smiled in approval to the others. 

"You think this might work?" Betsy asked. 

"Nope" Bitsy replied casually

"Dare I say it. That pig looks 'terrific'!" Fowler remarked, looking towards Wilbur with the rest of the chickens all smiling at their friend. 

"Hear, hear!" Samuel agreed. "Couldn't have said so better myself"

"Look at them all!" Gussy said, referring to how big the crowd had gotten this time. 

"Yeah. Smile pretty!" Golly added. "I wish geese had teeth" 

The chickens giggled, knowing even though geese didn't have teeth, they surprisingly did. So they might as well smile for the cameras. 

As summer ended, so did the excitement about the web. Charlotte needed to think of something special. Special enough to change the way people saw the world, or at least one pig in the world anyway. The truth is, Charlotte feared she would never find a word that could do all that. And she had to hurry, time was running out for her. But once a promise is made, it needs to be kept. 

Kali, Fern and the twins were hanging out with Wilbur and the chickens at the barn when Homer and Lurvy came out. 

"Still no web, huh?" Homer asked his farmhand. 

"Nope" Lurvy shook his head. "I haven't seen one in at least a month" 

Homer sighed. "Funny how you get used to all those people being around the place. Kind of quiet without them, isn't it?"

The two men came out of the pen and looked out towards the smokehouse. 

"I noticed the hinge pin's busted on the damper in the smokehouse. Want me to order a new one?" Lurvy asked his boss. 

"Suppose you better. That's a special order" Homer replied. 

Fern, Kali and the twins's attention was suddenly drawn to the two men once they heard them talking about the smokehouse, along with the chickens. 

"Better get a jump on that if we're going to smoke any ham before the holidays" Homer said, walking off with Lurvy. 

The kids quickly rushed off to talk to their parents about this while Wilbur gasped upon hearing this and fainted, nearly crushing Nobby if the rooster hadn't moved out of the way at the last second. 

"Charlotte! Look at Wilbur!" Ricky and Etta cried out while the rest of the chickens all began running about in a frenzy. 

"Everyone, please calm down!" Ginger tried to soothe her flock. 

"Oh, Templeton, please. Would you revive Wilbur, please?" Charlotte begged the rat, spotting him nearby. 

The rat came over towards the swooned pig and bit Wilbur's tail, startling him back awake. 

Ginger, Rocky, and Charlotte's WebWhere stories live. Discover now