Chapter 39: All is not yet lost

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Charlotte stared at her phone, barely believing what she was seeing. She'd long since given up hope of hearing from Sidney, but now here was a message... and he wanted to see her. Her heart seemed to start beating at 100 mph and she began to feel a bit faint. Thank God she was in her hotel room by herself so no-one could see her like this, although she had to go in a minute to rehearsals. Charlotte sat back on her bed as her eyes read the message again and again... Of course she wanted to see him. More than that, she was desperate to see him. But he had hurt her, and she was wary. If he wanted to see her, he would have to make it happen. She composed a message in reply, took a deep breath then hit the send button.


There was a knock on her dressing room door.

"Come in." Charlotte called. The door opened and in walked... "James!" She said, jumping up to greet him and to give him a hug. "I'm so glad you came!"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this for the world." James said, feeling rather taken aback by her unexpectedly warm greeting. "Thanks for the backstage pass."

"You're welcome."

"How's it all gone so far?" James asked.

"It's been absolutely incredible. I've loved every minute of it!"

"Best gig so far?"

"Birmingham last weekend definitely."


"Cos some of them were singing my songs – I couldn't believe it!" Charlotte replied, clearly overjoyed.

"I can! The EP sales are doing really well."

"Did you hear them play Dreaming on Radio 1 the other day?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes I did. I think that's the first track I've produced that's been played on there!"

"First of many James, I have no doubt."

"Me neither if you let me produce your album." He said with a wink and a smirk.

Charlotte chuckled. "All in good time. My parents and sister are here tonight as well."

"I didn't know they lived nearby?"

"Yes, on a farm in Willingden, about an hour north from here."

"You know I wouldn't take you for a farmer's daughter." He said playfully.

"I'm not sure if that's compliment or not." Charlotte teased.

There was another knock on the door. "It's time Charlotte." Came the voice of one of the assistants who stuck her head round the door.

"Thanks Pam."

"Wanna watch from the side of the stage?" Charlotte asked James.


"Then follow me."

Charlotte led James out of her dressing room and along the backstage corridor, but just as she got up to the top of the stairs she spotted him and she froze in her tracks... Sidney was stood talking to Georgiana's assistant, Kate. He turned his head towards her and their eyes met briefly and it sent shock waves throughout her body.

"Charlotte?" One of the sound guys said, coming up to her. Charlotte tore her eyes away from Sidney's to face him. "We're going to switch the mics as one of them has blown. Shouldn't add any time for the change over though."

"OK, thanks." She said, her eyes flitting to Sidney again as the guy walked off, but he was no longer looking at her.

"Everything OK?" James said from next to her which made Charlotte jump slightly. She'd forgotten he'd followed her here.

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