Chapter 5: Persuaded

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After showering and getting dressed after his early morning surf, Sidney headed downstairs for breakfast. As soon as he entered the lounge he was launched on by his nieces and nephews who had been watching TV.

"Uncle Sidney!" They all chanted.

"Hey... Oh I missed you guys!" He said, squatting down and giving them all a collective hug. "You're all so big now!"

"I'm nearly bigger than Jennie." Henry said.

"No you're not!" Jennie retorted.

"I think James is the biggest." Sidney said grinning and lifting up his youngest nephew who had toddled over to him.

They all giggled. "Silly Uncle Sidney!"

"James is the smallest..." Alicia said.

"Ah yes – silly me."

"You have to come and see our tent Uncle Sidney." Jennie said take him by the hand. "It's this way."

They pulled Sidney along with them to find the tent.


When Charlotte returned to the Annex she spent some time re-packing her bags with all the things she'd pulled out last night whilst trying to look for her phone charger. She was feeling rather melancholy about leaving. Although it would be nice to return to her family, she still had her dissertation hanging over her, not to mention the fact she had no plans at all about what she was going to do with her life after she had graduated. Going home felt like taking ten steps backwards: No more living independently and no more space to herself for she would have to share a room with her sister. But with her tenancy expiring in the house she shared with her friends in York and no plans for the future, the only option was to move back home... at least for now.

Charlotte sighed heavily and then looked at the clock. It was now 8.30am. Time to breakfast. She got up and made her way through the house, trying to find the room where breakfast was being served. There was no-one in the first room – the sitting room she had been in last night, so she continued down the hallway. The door to the room to her right was slightly ajar and she could hear voices, so she nervously pushed it forward and peaked inside.

The curtains were drawn and the room was pretty dark, save for a light coming from a makeshift tent in the corner of the room where Charlotte could see some silhouettes.

"Do it again Uncle Sidney!" a child squealed.

Charlotte could see a silhouette making shadow puppets with his hands.

"Here comes a big, hairy spider..." Sidney said in a scary voice as he made the shape with his hands. The children all squealed.

"Do the dog Uncle Sidney." Came the voice of another child.

Sidney made the shape with his hands. "Woof... woof, woof, woof."

"The butterfly, the butterfly!" Another child chanted. "That's my favourite."

Sidney rearranged his hands to do the butterfly. "OK everyone, that's enough now. Let's go get some breakfast." Sidney said.

"Oooohh." They all chimed.

"We can play some more after breakfast. Remember - you've got me for two full days!" Sidney replied and they started getting out of the tent.

Charlotte hastily retreated out into the hallway, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping on their play. One child opened the door and caught her standing in the corridor.

"Hello." She said looking at her with interest.

"Hi." Charlotte replied as the others followed.

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