Chapter 32: Sam Sidaways

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Charlotte was pacing her hotel room. She couldn't remember a time when she had been so nervous - not even when performing, or when receiving her degree results come to that. She still had a full ten minutes until Sidney arrived and the wait was excruciating. Whilst she was not normally one for being ready on time for things like this, her nerves had somehow made her get ready in record speed, such was her eagerness to see him. Sidney had not given anything away about what he had planned for tonight, only that she was to dress smart (for Charlotte had insisted she needed a dress code). So here she was, dressed in her go-to little black wrap around dress with her black stilettos, her hair up in a simple up do and her make up neutral, save for the dark red colour on her lips which was to match her red coat.

Charlotte was at least grateful that she had already seen Sidney today at rehearsals, so the first awkward part of seeing each other for the first time in weeks had taken place. But this was an evening of spending time alone together, and the last time they had been alone together Sidney had kissed her, and just thinking about it was making her heart pound. More than that, the comment made by Susan was much on her mind, in fact, she'd been thinking about it all day... Charlotte's head was all over the place along with her emotions, not doubt compounded by what had happened in rehearsals with that wretched choreographer.

When it was only a couple of minutes before Sidney's anticipated arrival, Charlotte made her way down to the hotel lobby, the butterflies in her stomach going wild. She arrived in the lobby at the same time Sidney walked into the hotel, both spotting each other at the same time and giving each other shy smiles. Sidney was looking exceedingly handsome (as always), having also gone for an all in black look consisting of black jeans, shirt and jacket, although Charlotte suspected his was superior in design... More Armani than Topshop.

Sidney strolled up to Charlotte, subtly looking her up and down as he did so, recognising the dress from one of her performances in Sanditon which made him smile wider as he recalled that particular occasion.

"Hey." Sidney said as he got closer before stopping in front of her. He gently placed his hand on Charlotte's waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek as a greeting, although holding the kiss ever so slightly longer than one would normally. Charlotte thought her legs were about to buckle when she felt his lips against her cheek as a warm and tingling sensation started to spread from where his lips had touched her to the rest of her body and she couldn't utter a word in response.

"You look nice." Sidney said in his deep seductive tones as he looked her up and down for a second time, his hand still on her waist as if anchoring her to the spot.

"Thank you. So do you." Charlotte said quietly, somehow finding her voice again, her cheeks now flushed as she felt his eyes on her and she offered him another shy smile.

"Good to go?" He asked her.

"Yes." Charlotte replied. Sidney turned around, his hand moving from Charlotte's waist to the small of her back as he gently guided her out of the hotel lobby and into the street.

"Where are you taking me?" Charlotte asked as they got into the taxi that was waiting for them by the hotel entrance.

"Somewhere... exclusive." Sidney answered.

"Exclusive?" Charlotte said frowning. "As in VIP?"

"Um... Not really."

"There's not going to be a load of pop stars there then?"

Sidney chuckled. "I hope not! I don't really want to be bumping into my clients on a date."

"No I guess not." Charlotte agreed.

The taxi drive was a good twenty minutes during which Sidney and Charlotte caught up about her time with her family in Willingden among other things that had happened since they had last seen each other. Eventually they arrived at their destination. Charlotte couldn't tell you where they were (for she didn't know London at all), for it just looked like any other London street to her with tall buildings either side. They got out the taxi and Sidney led the way to a trendy looking bar on the corner of the street. The name on top of the bar was "Sam Sidaways". Two security guards in a black suits were stood in the doorway, one male and one female and they looked pretty menacing until Sidney and Charlotte got closer and the male security guard put out his hand.

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