Chapter 6: Fun at the beach

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They all headed to the beach shortly after breakfast, the children (with the exception of James) leading Charlotte and Sidney by the hands, brimming with infectious excitement. In fact, it was hard to tell who was more excited: Charlotte, Sidney or the children. Sidney couldn't help but keep looking over to Charlotte, admiring the way her eyes shone and sparkled whenever she smiled. Now Charlotte had decided to stay a bit longer, the strange feeling of disappointment he had experienced earlier had subsided to be replaced by another feeling entirely which could only be described as contentment – and, if Sidney was honest with himself, it was a feeling he had not felt, at least fully, for some time. However, he reasoned with himself that it was because this morning he had been able to do the thing he loved the best – surfing, and he was with his favourite people in the whole world – his nieces and nephews. It had nothing to do whatsoever with the girl he met on the train who was beautiful, charming and had the most gorgeous voice, not to mention the sweetest laugh... Sidney couldn't, however, deny that he was pleased Charlotte had agreed to stay and sing tonight, because despite his reservations about it, he wanted his brother's latest project to be a success.

They found a good spot on the beach which was slowly filling up with holiday makers and set up camp for the next few hours. Tom and Sidney put up the wind break and parasol, Charlotte and the girls arranged the beach mats and Mary erected the baby tent for James while Henry was too impatient to help and started digging in the sand! Once the girls had finished helping Charlotte they joined Henry in digging a hole, while Mary and Charlotte got the chance to talk.

"I really hope you don't feel pressured by Sidney and Tom to play tonight Charlotte." Mary said, still slightly concerned about her husband and Sidney's behaviour.

"Please don't worry Mary. I love performing. It's really a win/win situation for me. I mean, I was craving a day on the beach and I get to do what I love doing the most tonight." Charlotte explained.

"Well, if you're sure?"

"I am, but thank you for your concern." She said smiling at her. "The Parker men seem to be very determined." Charlotte observed.

"Yes, very much so." Mary said chuckling. "But you appear to have the measure of them already."

"Let's not tell them that! Let them at least think they have the upper hand." Charlotte suggested.

"Oh definitely. We wouldn't want to bruise those egos." Mary agreed.

"Definitely not!" Charlotte said.

"Charlotte – come and build a sandcastle with us!" Jennie shouted.

"And it appears your children have inherited the determined Parker streak too." Charlotte said grinning as she wandered over.

"God help us all!" Mary said, thinking she liked this girl very much.

"Right, who is the architect of this construction?" Charlotte asked, kneeling down in the sand next to Jennie.

"What's the art..ti..tet?" Jennie asked.

"Architect. It's the person who decides what the castle looks like." Charlotte clarified.

"Me! I want to be the architect." Jennie said.

"In which case, Jennie, you must tell us labourers which parts to build. I myself am very good at digging moats." Charlotte said grabbing a spade and glancing up as Sidney who had come to join them.

"Where do you want me Jennie?" He asked.

"Perhaps you and Henry can start building the walls? What do you think Jennie?" Charlotte suggested.

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