Chapter 28: Another awkward goodbye

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Two hours! Two hours they had talked on the phone and if Charlotte was honest, she couldn't remember all the details of their conversation, but she could still hear the sound of Sidney's voice, deep and soft, like a sensual caress, even though he was miles away in London. And when he laughed, it was the most beautiful sound she'd ever heard. She loved making him laugh, and they had laughed a lot on the call. It was only when Charlotte's phone started beeping at her to say she was running out of battery did she realise how long they'd been talking and she reluctantly suggested they hang up... And then, as predicted, she had dreamt of Sidney that night, and pretty much every night since that conversation.

Just over a week after their marathon phone call, Charlotte woke up on the last day of recording her EP. She had a bitter sweet feeling because she had absolutely loved recording and she was sad it had come to and end, but she was also excited about the next step of getting her music on the streaming platforms. Now that Charlotte was confirmed as Georgiana's support act, Babington had a whole raft of marketing opportunities lined up as the EP release would coincide with the start of the tour. They'd submitted a couple of Charlotte's tracks to BBC Introducing who had got in touch wanting to interview her before playing her tracks on the air waves. The interview was due to take place at a radio station in Bristol on the day of the gig, so she was going to hang about in Bristol for the day.

Charlotte had also "met" Georgiana over zoom during which she somehow managed to keep it together because she found herself slightly star struck. But Georgiana was so down to earth that she immediately made Charlotte feel at ease and Charlotte knew that she would have a blast touring with her. Everything was so exciting and whenever something else happened, there was one person who she turned to first to share it all with: Sidney. There had been countless text messages over the past week and he seemed just as thrilled as she was with everything that was happening. There was rarely a moment when she wouldn't look at her phone and see a text from him, and this morning was no exception. She smiled as she opened it.

Sidney Parker: Happy last day of recording! Hope it goes well 😊

The fact he had remembered made her giddy.

Charlotte Heywood: Thanks for remembering. Hope you have a good day.

Having sent the text, Charlotte got ready and then caught a taxi to the train station to meet James at his recording studios in Bristol. It was funny that every time she had done this journey over the past few weeks her first encounter with Sidney would come to mind. Was it fate that had caused Charlotte to fall asleep and miss her stop that day? For if she hadn't missed it, she wouldn't have met Sidney and then she wouldn't be here today: travelling to Bristol to finish recording her first record and about to go on tour with one of the UK's top artists. It was totally bonkers really when she thought about it!

An hour and fifteen minutes later and Charlotte arrived in Bristol and walked to the recording studios. James was already there setting up when she walked in.

"Morning." James said to her.

"Hey." Charlotte replied, dumping her bag on a chair. "I can't believe this is the final day." She said.

"I know, it's been fun." James said, a wide smile on his face. He really did have a lovely smile.

"It's been an incredible journey and I've loved every minute of it." Charlotte said beaming.

"Well I hope that when you're all rich and famous you will remember that this is where it all began." James said.

"Of course I will! I could never forget this experience. It's been really special."

"I agree." James said softly.

"So what's the plan for today?" Charlotte asked.

"Just need to lay down some backing vocals really, the rest is there."

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