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In a matter of seconds, we were standing in the small office again, just like we did before going to the past to find the spell. However, something was different.

Before we left, all twelve of us were here. But now, the only people I could see were the four of us.

"Where has everyone left?" I asked out of curiosity, but I couldn't shake off the wierd feeling that something might've happened to them. "Yeeun, how much time has passed since we left?"

"A couple of hours, that's for sure." She said, pointing at the dark night sky that could be seen trough the window. When we left, it was still daytime.

"Or maybe even days." Hyunggu assumed. "Maybe they just went home."

"Hyunggu, we spent most of our time in this building." Hongseok said with a frown on his face. "We might as well call this our home."

"What are you saying, Hongseok?" I asked, my hidden worries growing even bigger.

"Something's wrong, guys. I don't know what, but I can feel it." He explained.

"I don't feel anything." Yeeun said.

"Me neither." Hyunggu admitted while shrugging.

But Hongseok and I did.

"We have to search the building for them." Hongseok said. "They can't be far."


We searched everywhere – the rooftop, every single floor, as well as the ground floor and the abandoned parking lot beside the building.

The only place we haven't checked yet was the basement.

Hongseok was the first one to open the dusty door, and the rest of us followed him into the poorly lit corridor.

I closed my eyes for a moment, remembering the first time I went down here, still not knowing anything about the curse and thinking that Hongseok was just a regular young man who for some strange reason wanted to write his biography.

I remembered the fear I felt in my whole body while walking to the open door, and that fear only intesifying when I saw a wall full of different pictures of me. I felt the fear when Wooseok put the knife against my neck, when I encountered the rest of his friends for the first time. When Hongseok came and saw me in the office. I also felt the fear take over me when he took me to the rooftop to explain everything. Not to mention how scared I felt when I sneaked into the commanders's room just barely an hour ago, although it was actually a thousand years ago.

Over these past few weeks, I felt the amount of fear that wasn't normal for any human being.

But not anymore.

This time, I couldn't let the fear take over me.

Not if I wanted to find my friends.

Not even if the commander himself was standing behind the door that we were just about to open.

"Are you ready?" Hongseok turned around and quietly asked the three of us, and we just nodded in response. Somehow, although the door was closed, I felt as if there was something behind it. As if there was someone behind it.

And when Hongseok finally opened it, I had quite a sight to see.

I cursed internally. Did I really jinx it just a minute earlier? Because, the sight in front of me was just impossible.

Cursed | Yang HongseokWhere stories live. Discover now