•Bacon and chocolate milk??

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Hi there! Today is Sunday, which isn't my regular updating day for this book, but I have been tagged by the lovely ihaveapenihaveatagon to write 13 things about me, and since I don't have a specific book for tags and facts about me in general, I'm going to dedicate this chapter to that! (And also to kinda self-promote this book hehe, please check it out if you haven't!)

So, here are the rules:

So, here are the rules:

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Okay, so... here we go! :)

1. As you already know from my bio, I am a 17-year-old aquarius and my birthday is on February 5th.

2. I speak Serbian and English fluently, French somwhere about 70% I guess, a bit of Korean (I don't really know how fluent I am because I've never actually had a conversation in Korean, but I'm still learning) and I'm also slowly but surely learning Spanish ans Chinese.

3. I became a kpop fan on February 7th, 2019, when my friends showed me some BTS songs. One song that I really liked was "Fake love", so I like to think that it was the song that got me into kpop. BTS still has a special place in my heart because of that, although I prefer some other groups now. :)

4. Before liking kpop, I was actually I fan of rock music. That's why I really like groups such as Day6 and Dreamcatcher now. My favorte rock artists were (and still are) Evanescence and Panic! At The Disco (and Avril Lavigne, although she can't really be considered a rock artist now, but I really love her music, especially her first and second album).

5. I'm not the biggest fan of sports. I had been doing gymnastics from age 5-8, volleyball for a few months when I was 10 and basketball for a few months when I was 12. I agree that being physically active is really important, but I just didn't really enjoy doing these things. On the other hand, I really like dancing, but I'm pretty bad at it because I'm not really flexible.

6. I enjoy both singing and rapping. I'm not particularly good at it, but I like to think that I'm improving. :)

7. I prefer TV shows over movies, because you have more time to bond with the characters, although it hurts to let go at the end. My favorite TV shows are Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.

8. I have loved reading books ever since I was really young, but honestly, I don't have a favorite book or a favorite author. I think every book that I've read so far is good in its own way.

9. Beside reading, I also enjoy writing (*insert Jaehyun saying THAT'S WHY I'M HERE, MAN*). I started writing poems at a really young age. I wrote my first Serbian poem when I was 7, and my first English one when I was 8 (it was quite bad grammaticaly but I'm still proud of it to this day). Here on Wattpad, I have found my chnace to connect my writing passion with one thing that I also really like, which is kpop, and I'm so happy I am able to express my imagination here. When it comes to poems, I still write them from time to time, and I also like writing English lyrics for kpop songs.

10. I have a younger sister who's year and a half younger than me, but the two of us are quite different both psysically and mentally. Still love her tho. :)

11. I really love cats, but I never really got to keep one as a pet because I live in an apartment. However, I do have a hamster!

12. I am quite sensitive and I cry easily, sometimes even for no reason. I've been trying to control my emotions a bit better, but my fellow sensitive people know how hard it is lmao

13. I'm a picky eater most of the time, but I actually enjoy some wierd food combinations as well! That's actually the reason why this chapter is called the way it's called (I hope I didn't make you sick lol). My favorite wierd food combination consists of applying jam on bread and then putting cheese on top of it. Chef's kiss! (Bacon with chocolate milk is also pretty good, trust me)

So, here it is! I hope these facts were at least a bit interesting, and if you want to know something else about me that I didn't mention here, you can always ask in the comments or you can PM me, I'm always happy to make new friends here!

I'm going to tag 15 people now, if I tagged you and we're not that close I apologize, but I don't have that many friends on here yet! Of course, you don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I'd love to see your answers, so if you decide to do it, please tag me!


Don't forget to check this book out if you haven't, it would mean a lot to me! ❤

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