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I didn't take my time as soon as I realised that we were in front of my old house.

"We have to hide somewhere!" I said, pulling Hongseok's hand that happened to still be holding mine. My three friends immediately obeyed me, following me to the back of the house.

Although it has been so long since I saw it, I still remembered every corner of it, as if I was here only yesterday. I was thankful for that, because somehow I knew that both the commander and the past version of me were home.

"This way." I said, pointing at the slim, dusty road that led to one of the ancient windows of the manor.

I sneaked to the window, trying to see if there was anyone inside of that particular room. At first, I saw nothing but a spacious chamber, but then I saw someone coming inside.

That someone was me.

"Where do you think you're going, love?"

That awfully familiar voice immediately sent chills down my spine, because it woke up so many disgusting memories inside of my brain. I leaned against the wall even more, trying my best not to be seen.

Just like I expected, the commander appeared too, approaching the past version of me and putting his huge hand on one of my cheeks.

Get your gross hands off the past me, you monster, I thought, curling my hands into fists out of rage, although I knew too well that he wasn't going to even hear me, let alone obey.

I saw the fear in the eyes of my past self, and I saw her lips moving in order to form a response. However, I didn't manage to hear it, but it didn't even matter. Whatever my response to him was, I already knew it was a lie. Because I knew that I was leaving to meet with Hongseok.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, commander just nodded, letting the past me leave the room without even daring to lift my gaze up from the floor. I obviously didn't remember this day that well, but judging by how easily he let me go, I assumed he was in a good mood, which was a rare thing to see.

But then, as soon as I left the room, an angry expression appeared on his face. He yelled the name of one of the servants, and that same servant appeared in the room only seconds later, not wanting to risk his life.

"Yes, my lord?" The servant bowed.

"Have you found out what I asked you to?" The commander wanted to know, and, although the servant was facing the opposite way, I could see from his neck muscles that he gulped quite painfully.

"...I have, sir. I'm sorry." The servant responded so quietly that I was barely able to hear him.

"And who is that bastard my wife had the audacity to cheat on me with?" The commamder wanted to know.

"He... he is a soldier from the opposing army. That's all I could find out, sir." The servant answered hesitatingly.

The commander just sighed, slowly walking towards the other corner of the room. But when he finally did so, he targeted all of his rage towards a vase that was standing on one of the tables, pushing it with an incredible strengh, which made it break into a million pieces.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'll sent more servants to clean that up–" The servant said, but got interrupted by the commander who raised his hand in order to make him shut up.

"You can do that later." He said. "Right now, I have a job for you. Have you gotten the information about the witch?"

"Yes, my lord." The servant responded quickly. "Some peasants told me today that she has been locked in the village's dungeon, waiting to be executed."

"They must not execute her." The commander said in an angry tone, but then continued in a much calmer one. "Not yet, at least."

"I can take you there right now, sir. If you want to, of course." The servant offered.

"...Alright." The commander said, an evil smirk being evident on his face. "That's the least I can do for my traitor of a wife."


Shivers moved down my spine when I heard his last sentence, but thankfully, after saying that, both the commander and the servant left the room, leaving it completely empty.

"He's truly a monster." Hongseok growled behind me, gritting his teeth out of anger.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Hyunggu asked. "I mean, the commander probably left to get that spell, but after he gets back, how are we supposed to take it from him for a while and then put it back where it was like nothing ever happened?"

"That shouldn't be so hard, considering the fact that I can cast an invisibility spell." Yeeun said.

"That's great! Why didn't you tell that to us earlier?" Hyunggu wanted to know.

"Because," Yeeun started explaining. "I only have enough power to cast that spell on one person."

"I'll go, then." I immediately said.

"Xia, are you sure?" Hongseok asked seriously. "What if the spell wears off and he catches you?"

"That might as well happen to any of us." I shrugged. "And if it does, I assume he'd be way less surprised if he saw me in his house rather than some people he doesn't really know."

"Fair enough." Yeeun said, coming closer to me in order to take my hands and cast the spell. After only a few seconds, she backed away, having a tired expression on her face that seemed surprisingly pale. Thankfully, Hyunggu managed to catch her the moment before she collapsed.

"Are you okay?" I asked, being genuinely worried for her.

"I will be, but I need to rest a little if you want to return back to the present time any time soon." She said. "Which means no more spells."

"Okay. Thank you, Yeeun." I smiled, but she didn't seem to notice. When I looked at where my hands were supposed to be and saw nothing but air, I realised why.

"I'll consider us even when you get that spell." She said. "Go now. We'll wait for you here."

I nodded, forgetting that I was invisible and that she wasn't even able to see that gesture anymore.

Then, I headed towards the entrance of the house where I had lived a nightmare for so long.

Cursed | Yang HongseokWhere stories live. Discover now