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I could've sworn my heart stopped the moment I heard the unknown voice behind me.

I was too scared to even look down, but I knew the object pressed against my neck was a knife of some sort. One thing I was also aware of was the fact that the person standing behind me was really tall, because I could feel their chin leaning against my scalp.

I stopped breathing the moment I realised I wasn't alone. Are they going to kill me now?
I could only pray they wouldn't.

After what seemed like an eternity, but what probably turned out to be just a couple of seconds, I heard another deep voice a bit further, probably coming from the door.

"Wooseok, what's wrong? Don't tell me you brought another girl here."

"Shut up and come here, Yuto." The guy who was referred to as Wooseok said. "Seems like we have an intruder."

"We have a what?!" The other guy, Yuto, asked in surprise. "Last time that happened was in, like, 1972. Poor girl ended up kissing Hongseok and dying about a week later."

I couldn't fully understand this guy's statement because although I didn't see his face yet, he just didn't seem as if he was alive at that time, and I especially wasn't able to understand the part about Hongseok. However, I let that thought go, because I had something more important to worry about at this moment. The knife leaning against my neck, for instance.

"Can you stop talking already, man?" Wooseok said in an annoyed tone. "Just come here."

I heard the sound of footsteps coming closer, and just a few seconds later, the guy named Yuto appeared in front of me. I noticed that he was also really tall, and his hair was dyed in a quite interesting shade of turquoise. However, when he saw my face, it seemed as if a wave of realisation hit him, because his narrow eyes suddenly became wide.

"Dude, did you even see her face before pointing a damn knife at her?" He said, signaling Wooseok to put the knife down. "It's her! If Hongseok saw you trying to hurt her, you'd already be dead by now!"

"Yeah, it's not like he didn't try to kill me already." Wooseok said, lowering the knife.

When I made sure the knife was completely gone, I turned around to examine him. He was even taller than Yuto, and his hair was dyed in light pink.

Who are those people? I thought to myself, still shaking from the previous adrenaline rush.

"Can you please just tell me what the hell is going on?" I asked with a shaky voice, stepping a bit further from them in order to feel safer, although the feeling of safety was never even there to begin with.

Yuto and Wooseok exchanged looks, and then Yuto started speaking.

"Look, you probably think that we are some maniacs now. That's understandable–"

"That is more than understandable. Where did you get all these pictures? And what what do all those locations on the map mean? Not to mention the portrait, like, what the hell?!"

"Xia, let me finish." Yuto tried to remain calm.

"How do you even know my name?!" I said, stepping even further from them until I felt the cold wall behind me. I was trapped in the corner of a room and there was nowhere I could go.

"Out of all of this madness, does the fact that I know your name really bother you the most?" Yuto said, rolling his eyes. "Don't you want to know some other answers? Isn't this why you're here?"

"I want to know all the answers. So, you better bring Hongseok here or you start talking yourself." I said, sounding a little to brave. For a moment I regretted my decision, because I thought that I made Yuto angry, but then he just nodded.

"Again, that is totally understandable. And don't worry, you'll get your answers soon, but you'll have to trust us. Remember, we are not here to hurt you." He said.

"How can I trust you with something like that when I literally just met you, plus one of you had a knife pointed at me less than five minutes ago?" I asked, still panicking.

"You don't have to trust us, but I'm sure you trust Hongseok, even if you don't want to admit it." Wooseok joined the conversation.

After I didn't say anything as a response, Yuto just sighed.

"That's what I thought. Well, like I said, you'll get your answers soon." He turned to Wooseok. "Take her to Hoetaek and the others. They'll know what to do with her until Hongseok comes back."

Wooseok just nodded, heading out of the room. Just as he was about to disappear from my sight, he turned around one more time and looked straigh in my eyes.

"What are you waiting for? Follow me."

I hesitated for a while, but after a few seconds I decided to obey. After what I just saw in this room, I needed some answers more than ever.

A/N: What do you think of the story so far? I know it was a bit static at the start, but as you can see, it's starting to get more interesting, and trust me, this is only the beggining!

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