Cursed Diamond 💎

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Blue Hope Diamond

It was almost Ciel's birthday. It was alsk an opening of a Frost Fair.

Sebastian, Ciel, and M/n were traveling into town.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth and her maid Paula were somewhere else to find Ciel a birthday gift.

Ciel pov

During the frost fair, we met with Abberline.

I had a talk with him in a small restaurant.

"So, you are after the hope piece? A jem said to be cursed with whomever processes it." Lau said.

He ended up not knowing anything. Also, he owns this place.

We then went to the Undertaker for answers.

"Not him again." Lau complained.

"I don't really think it to be necessary in my opinion. I know where the ring is. It is within the frost fair, young lord." M/n said as he pointed to an ice sculpture of the queen.

"What if you are wrong?" Abberline asked.

"Then I will enter the ice sculpturing contest to win the statue. It is in the rules. However, I feel uncomfortable with one of the judge. See you at the statue!" M/n said as he walked away.

We went into the Undertaker's parlor and got our answer.

"Wow... You were right about the ring. Men, let's get the ring from the statue."

"Hold it right there. You can't have the ring. It is a part of the ice sculpture. If you want it, then you have to enter the contest to win it." The judge said.

Author pov

It was 15 and the ice sculpting was over.

Scotland Yard sculptured their commander.

"Let's see the results. 1, 2, 1, 1 , and 0. It has a total of 5 points." The announcer said.

Lau sculpture was disqualified for being inappropriate. However, Druitt gave it a 10. The rest of the judges gave it an X.

Sebastian did Noah's ark. It amazed many people when the reveal of the animals.

"Noah's ark? What in the world is that story about?" M/n said confused.

(TBH, I didn't really knew what Noah's ark was until looking back to this anime a few more times and research the story. I keep forgetting what Noah's ark is about a couple of times. I don't understand it after research.)

Next thing after that, Irishmen were going to destroy the place with explosives.

Everyone evacuated from the place except Ciel, M/n, and Sebastian.

"What you doing there? I joined the Scotland Yard to protect the citizens including you people."

"Technically, I am an illegal immigrant coming from America and serve the young lord I know of right now." M/n said as he got some ice skates.

After the explosive event, the hope diamond ring was forgotten in the water.

The ring was then found by M/n who put it in his pocket.

M/n pov

It was the next night. I was rudely awakened by Sebastian who needed some help.

"Fine... However, I will bring Sky with me. He comforts me and seem as though I am loved by my deceased parents and friends. Besides, I was raised by animals, so I barely knew what it is like to have a toy. More or like than a soft stuff animal." I said as I passed Sebastian with Pluto following.

Later on the journey to find Lizzy, Ciel, Pluto, and I encountered Grell.

"Hi! How is your night Grell? I am sure you are having a blast being free to be yourself and wearing red!" I said happily but tired.

I literally fell asleep during the carriage ride to here.

"Oh, thank you M/n. You know just what to say to a lady like me."

Pluto ran away towards a doll shop.

I didn't do much because Pluto gave me a piggyback ride. I then got off to explore the shop more.

"Wow! That mansion looks like a castle!" I exclaimed.

Grell came with us in exchange a day to spend with me.

"Oh, I am so excited after this!" Grell said hugging me.

When we entered the mansion, we encountered a fight with a doll of a missing girl.

Then, dolls made with harder material came towards us.

"I know. It seems like the London bridge song.

Iron and steel will bend and bow,
Bend and bow,
Bend and bow...
Iron and steel will bend and bow
My fair lady.

Yay!" I exclaimed as the dolls were stopped, but had their heads tipped to the side appearing to be nearly headless.

After the boring fight, Pluto lead Grell and I to a tower.

Sooner than later, Sebastian and Ciel joined our group.

We entered the place and found Lizzy after Pluto opened the door.

I shapeshifted into Scooby in hope of finding Pluto. Scooby is a great dane, he should know how to track. Right?

Upon arrival to where Pluto is, I am feeling weird seeing the puppets.

"Well hello there cleaned one. The purest person to meet with. I am happy you are here. You could be a precious doll hidden somewhere where no one will find you."

"I am good. Thanks, but here is your ring?" I said but the ring wouldn't come off.

"I see that the ring has chosen a proper master. We will wait here and see what the master decides for you."

Drossel came into the room, and I helped him get better.

Even if he was made of material and hay, he is still just as human as I am.

"You are so kind to me. Why help my case of living?"

"Well, you do run the toy shop. What would happen if their toy creator were to be gone? You could start a new life as a toymaker. Second chance!" I explained to him.

I also promised to visit the shop once in a while at least each month.

Later, we all celebrated Ciel's birthday with a party.

We all wore birthday hats.

Lizzy gave Ciel a hope diamond ring similar to the one his family had. Along with that, there were a Lizzy and Ciel doll in the corner.

I just hope the young master is okay.

Lizzy only wants him to be happy. Also, she is very skilled in swordfighting. I wonder why she hides it though.

Oh well, I am sure tired of the night.

Nothing really makes sense but I am okay with that.

I just passed out near the Christmas tree. No biggy. Someone returned Sky and me into our room.

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