📕Who did it?🔪

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Everyone was shocked to see that Georg Von Siemens was dead.

Since the temperature could decompose a corpse, he was relocated to the cellar. 

"I doubt we can expect the yard to arrive anytime soon. The storm is still raging." Lau showed off the rain by raising part of the curtains for proof. "We're quite cut off from the rest of the world for now. It also seems likely that the murderer is still inside the manor."

Some people were scared or shocked.

"Think for a moment everyone, it's only logical that one of us is the perpetrator."

"What would be the motive though, most of us have never even met before."

"And does it seem strange to anybody else that the door was still locked when we arrived here."

"You make a good point my lady."

"So it seems to me somebody entered the room through the window, bought time to escape by locking the door and then quickly exited again the same way they entered. 

"Rain means mud. So the intruder would most likely leave footprints if they came in from outside. Besides which the window appears locked."

"It seems the only explanation left to us is that the culprit locked the door from the hallway."

"That would be impossible. None of the guests were ever actually supplied with keys to the rooms you see. The doors were fitted with deadbolts. These allow each guest to lock his or her room from inside but not on the out. No keys were distributed to anyone as you can see the fittings are broken indicating the door was locked when I kicked it down. In other words-"

"We have a locked room murder on our hands." Lau finished Sebastian. 

Everyone were going through their alibis of the time before the death occurred. 

Irene, Grimsby, Charles, Author, and Patrick were in the Billiards room.

Lau, Ranmao, Carl, and Sebastian were in the Lounge.

Us Phantomhive servants were doing our work with cleaning and so and so. 

Which left Ciel as a suspect in the room because Ruby was on the roof trying to see if she can get struck by lightning. 

"What happened? Why is everyone here?"

"You were taking a bath this entire time?"

"No, I was on a suicide mission of being struck by lightning." Ruby said drying her hair but got a stare at Sebastian. "I was just outside to relax in the garden under the pavilion and take a rest at the when Ciel wanted to go to bed. Once I came inside, I went to change my outfit. There is nothing wrong with me, and I don't want to go to a mental hospital because of my careless actions." 

As a result, Ruby, Ciel, and Author were to sleep in the same room.

Ruby pov

I fell asleep on a sleeping bag.

I was supposed to be linked with Ciel and Dr. Author, but I knew how to get out of my lock easily. 

I wonder how did Von Siemens die. He seems perfectly fine with his soul, but appears dead on the outside.

I wonder if it could be related to Juliet's drink that made her appear dead as a plan to be with her Romeo. Ha, too bad Romeo believed in her fake death and killed himself. In the end, Juliet also killed herself with a dagger because her love Romeo was dead as well. They were buried together I think?

"Yeah for you... Good night doctor and Ciel." I said trying to go to sleep. "Who in this place needs a gun under their pillow to sleep?" I whispered to myself.

I was sort of startled from my slumber when I thought I heard someone screaming from Ciel's room.

"Did you hear the scream like I did? It seems as if someone is being attacked."

"Maybe it is your imagination. You do dream a lot of violence do you not?"

"Sure do have wicked nightmares. Maybe it is that. The screaming of terrifying fear of the closing death to an unexpected stranger. Could be a venomous creature, murder, or war? I sometimes don't understand myself."

When morning came, I get up and went to see Bard.

Later, we found Sebastian's corpse.

It was a surprise to everyone.

When Ciel found out, I was trying to keep my laughs in from him trying to get Sebastian up from his "death".

I know Sebastian isn't dead because he is a demon. A demon like him can't simply die like a stab wound. 

"Wait, it feels as if someone is missing in the room."

"I suppose that would be Mister Phelps. I haven't seen him all morning, not that I have a key to enter his room. Sebastian is the one who owns the key."

As times go on, we are trying to figure out the murderers of each death.

"Mr. Phelps's death seems to be a snake bite if you ask me. Von Siemens's death at first must be a fake. Sebastian's death was unexpected but three people were chained together. Other than that, Earl Grey sure has a huge appetite."

"Agree, he can eat multiple dishes without feeling full. Hey! That is mine. Give me back Sky."

"Huh, it appears that this toy is empty."

"Rude." M/n said as he picked up Sky's stuffing. "Sky is my friend. You could count yourself lucky that my snakes are away at a friend's house. They could poison you instantly without proper treatment."

Everyone's room and belongings were checked to see any suspicions, There were none in the end.

Sebastian had cats in his closet which activated Ciel's allergy.

"All I can tell based on the last name Michaelis is that he could have an origin related to Germany or Netherlands. Since time had progressed, I can suggest that some had immigrated to other countries such as America. There is also a French inquisitor who has a similar name to his I read before. Who knows where he came from?"

"Who is the man you speak of?"

"Sebastien Michaelis. He wrote Histoire admirable de la possession et conversion d'une penitente. I believe he was interested in demonology. However, I don't understand French so that knowledge is worthless."

Meyrin found a bottle of red liquid. 

However, it was sort of fun how Ranmao acted with the underwear.

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