Chapter Five

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Dinner with Dad


"Soooooooooooooooo, how has your life been." I asked sighing.

"It's been good. I'm married I have two other children and I'm a physiologist ." I nodded my head in amaziment "Sounds pretty nice." I said and we fell into silence again. He stared at me for what seemed like forever until I finally asked him "What?" "It seems like you have alot on your mind but your holding back.....why?" I giggled alittle at his remark "why......why......why......Well I'm holding back because for one I don't know you and as you may know first impressions are everything and although what I want to do right now is yell at you and ask you a bunch of whys and what if questions, I dont want come off as bitchy.....So there's your answer why." I said then turned my attention to my plate. "Look Renée I know you probably hate me for not being there for you and your sister but I had no idea, I mean no idea what's so ever that your mom was pregnant when I left her." He said. Although he could be telling the truth I just couldn't believe him. I said nothing so he continued "The night your mother died is the night I found out about you guys. Before she was beat by that man she called me and told me she was pregnant she also told me that she was due anyday now and you guys belonged to me.....Renée your mom called me to ask me to come get you guys from her, at the moment I lived in New York and she knew the life she lived wasn't good for two little girls. So after I got off the phone with her I packed my things and was headed her way." He shook his head and sighed "But when I got there I was too late.... she had died giving birth to you and your sister and your uncle had already signed for the rights over you guys. Renée please I need you to believe that even though I left your mother I always loved this day I love her, but your mom had a serious problem and I couldnt help her, she wouldnt let me help her." He stretched his hand across the table to touch mine. I looked up at him and looked into his eyes. They looked watery. "I couldnt watch her kill herself. I refused to watch her kill herself and thats why I left. If I knew me leaving would have left her in the situation she was in I woulda never left. If I knew she was pregnant I would've never left. If I knew she woulda fell into the hands of an abuser and be killed I would've never left. And that's on everything" Tears began to roll down his eyes and my heart began to hurt for him. "Please Renée you and your sister are all I have left of her....please let me in your life....I beg you." The man was in tears now. I grabbed a napkin and handed it to him. "Im sorry." he whispered "I tried, I tried to be in your life while you were younger but your uncle told me to wait until you guys were old enough to decide on your own weather or not you guys wanted me in your life. And when you guys did get old enough you rejected me. It broke my heart.....I cried every night for one year straight until I meet my current wife Riley she helped me cope with the fact that you guys didnt want me and she blessed me with two children who are now 16 and 15 yrs old." He smiled at the thought of his wife and children. All this time I felt like he never wanted me and my sister. I felt as if he abandonded us for his new family. That we were irrelevent to him, when in all actuality I was the one hurting him, rejecting him, neglecting him. I began to cry. He whiped the tears from my eyes "It should be me apologizing, I never gave you a chance to actually be my father so I'm sorry. And if its not too late I want to give you the chance to be." I said smiling at him "I would love that. How about you come by my house on Thursday and meet my wife and your siblings. They would love to meet you and your sister, so bring her too." He suggested. I nodded my head. "Ok, just text me the address" He nodded in excitment. We finished the rest of our dinner talking about my life and growing up with uncle Tom and we talked about his other kids and what they were like. He never mentioned my felony which I was happy about, Im pretty sure he knows bits and pieces about that. But besides the emotional part dinner went better then expected and what seemed like a hole I had in my heart for centuries was finally filled in one night.

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