Chapter 4

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Sophie begrudgingly followed Biana into the makeshift sleepover room. Biana was waving her hands about and blabbering about something to do with matchmaking. Sophie had tuned her out when Biana mentioned the word 'match'.

She wobbled over to the closest sleeping bag before her clumsy legs gave out, allowing her to land on the soft duvet with a gentle 'oof'.  Sophie snuggled Ella, who had been resting on the covers, and pulled the hood of her furry onesie up. 

She closed her eyes and replayed the look in Fitz's eyes when he looked at Linh. 

But ...

I want it to be you. 

Did he still mean it?

Did his feelings fade?


"Hey, Sophie," Biana interrupted her mental meltdown. "You can't sleep yet! We still have games to play!" Sophie opened her eyes and gave Biana her evilest glare. "Please, I CANNOT stand ANY games." She tugged at her collar. "I'm boiling and tired." 

Fitz walked in with Linh trailing behind him.

Ok, she was SO hot and tired now. 

She flipped back into the covers, tangling herself into submission. 

"Sophieeeeeeee," Biana grabbed her hand and started tugging. "Get up!" 

Sophie yanked her hand back. "Uh, yeah, no." 

Biana stalked away, mumbling something about stubborn Droolmasters. Sophie smiled in triumph. Keefe yawned and hobbled over to the sleeping bag next to her, beating Fitz to it -- Not like Fitz seemed to be trying too hard. Keefe reached into his pocket and pulled out Mrs Stinkbottom.  

Sophie smiled even wider at the sparkly green gulon. "You know, you still haven't told anyone about that Great Gulon Incident." She told Keefe. 

Keefe smirked, "No, I only give that kind of information out in a life or death situation."

"We have those all the time!" Tam called over. Keefe ignored him, resting his head on his pillow and snuggling his green gulon. Sophie burrowed further into the covers as Biana let out a frustrated sigh-growl. "Nobody's allowed to sleep yet! We still have games!" When everyone just snuggled more in-depth into their sleeping bags, she added, "And a prank war!" 

Annnnnnnnddddddd everyone's head shot up, except Sophie, who just groaned and checked to make sure she was thoroughly covered.  "A prank war?" Keefe rubbed his hands maliciously, apparently forgetting he had Mrs Stinkbottom on his lap. "Count me in!" 

Biana let out a relieved sigh. 

"Me too!" Tam added. 

"And me!" Linh cried.

"Then I'll go too," Fitz said quickly. 

Dex just shrugged and grinned. "No one can beat the Technopath."

All eyes turned to the figure of Sophie, who had her answer ready, "Nope." 

"Pleaseeeeee Sophie?" Biana begged. 

Sophie grinned, even though they couldn't see it and shook her head. "Sorry, but I'd rather take sedatives than participate in a prank war." Silence fell. Biana was the first one to break it. "Okayyyyyyyyy," She grumbled. 

Sophie closed her eyes and slept. 


Keefe felt nothing and everything at the same time. 

The walls were closing in, and everyone's emotions were skyrocketing. His head was spinning, but no one noticed him. He was alone. 

Was he? 

His eyes fell on the sleeping figure beside him, focusing on a lock of blonde hair peeking out from under the covers. That hair belonged to someone special. A girl. THE girl. She cared. She brought him out of his emotional hell. She knew. She had felt the pain of another's heartbreak. She knew his story. He trusted her. But who was she? 

He caught sight of a bright purple leg of a stuffed elephant. 

She was Sophie. 

He took deep breaths, his mind to clouded over with emotions and fractured memories. He pulled himself together counting his heartbeats. He was Keefe. She was Sophie. That was Ella. Keefe glanced down at his lap. And that was Mrs Stinkbottom. 

His breath caught, his brain forcing him to remember something he didn't want to remember. 

Something he wished would change. But he wanted them to be happy. So it didn't change. But it was. 

Keefe took a deep breath, promising himself that he would be the friend she needed. And he would cling onto hope, for now. 

He wasn't going to be jealous. He would be supportive. And hope, hope, hope, that one day, she would change her mind.   

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