Chapter 3

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Biana flicked her wrist with a flourish. "There." 

Sophie looked up. "Wow, Linh." 

Linh grinned, twirling one of her silver tips on her finger. 

She was wearing a grey and white gown, with a shiny black neckline to compliment her black hair. The dress hitched up at the hips and fell in long waves to her ankles, where the tip of her gleaming black shoes was barely showing. Linh felt like a princess. She hoped she could impress a certain someone tonight. Unbeknown to her, Sophie was thinking the same thing. 

"Shall we?" Biana clapped her hands, obviously pleased with herself. Linh and Sophie exchanged a look and nodded. "Ok." 

A/N: If you prefer pictures of the dresses instead of descriptions, just comment, and I'll change it—Vice versa. Or I could do both. 

Sophie watched as Biana and Linh practically glided down the stairs to where the boys were waiting

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Sophie watched as Biana and Linh practically glided down the stairs to where the boys were waiting. She felt her fingers twitch as Linh sauntered over to stand between her brother and Fitz. Her heart pounded in her ears when Fitz gave her his adorably cute smile. She wobbled down the stairs, trying to balance a little better, so she wouldn't tumble everywhere and humiliate herself. 

"Woah, easy there Foster." Keefe mouthed from the back of the room where Fitz wouldn't see him. Sophie gave him a soft smile and continued descending shakily, determined not to lose her footing. When she reached the bottom, she glanced up just in time to see Keefe hop out of the way of Fitz and Linh, walking out of the room in deep conversation. Tam looked after them, a tiny bit of hurt in his eyes, but he shook it off before anyone could notice. But Sophie did. 

"Congrats, you made it down the stairs without tripping and breaking any bones." Dex appeared at the end of the staircase, giving her a dimpled smile. Sophie groaned softly. "Way to make me feel better." She grumbled. Biana gave her a big smile. "Why do you think I gave you the highest heels that would match your dress?"

Sophie glared at her. "To embarrass me." Biana winked. "Exxxxxxxxxxactly." 

Sophie groaned again. Biana hopped off towards a side door. "Come on; the mallowmelt will get cold." Sophie's ears pricked up, and she hurried to follow Biana into a kitchen. Keefe was already there, warily glancing around. 

 His eyes lit up when he saw Sophie, and he patted the seat next to him. Tam guided Biana by the elbow to the pair of chairs on the other side of the crystal island. "So," Keefe cleared his throat and looked Sophie up and down. His mouth curled into a smirk. "Trying to impress me, Foster? I must say it's working." He teased. Sophie gave him a playful smack on the arm as Dex entered the kitchen. Sophie motioned for him to sit next to her and Keefe to make things less awkward.

"Aw, come on Foster, I know that Dexy needs his share of the amazing Keefe Hair, but he already got his share for today!" Keefe whined, giving his best impression of puppy dog eyes. "Dex can sit with us." Sophie insisted, smoothing out the seat beside her. "Your hair does more bad than good anyway," Tam informed them. "Dude, you did NOT just insult-," Keefe started.

"The Hair." Tam interrupted. "Yeah, I know." He promptly turned away from them and started talking to Biana in hushed tones. Keefe poked his tongue out and tousled his blond hair. He had just opened his mouth to start talking again when a crisp voice interrupted them. "What is HE doing here?" 

Everyone froze. Keefe swallowed so loud he was sure the whole world could hear it. "I said, what is he doing here?" Fitz snapped. Sophie eyed him, hoping he wouldn't explode. But Fitz didn't, because Linh reached up to him and whispered something in his ear. Sophie felt her heart shatter when he nodded softly and smile timidly at Linh, caressing her hand slightly before clearing his throat and taking a small step back. "It's ok, I'm just over-reacting. We both owe each other an apology." He glanced at Linh for reassurance, and she nodded. Sophie averted her eyes to the ground, hoping Keefe wouldn't notice her emotions. No such luck. 

When Fitz returned to his bedroom with Linh trailing behind, Keefe grabbed her arm to pull her to a corridor. He opened a random door and hauled her inside. "Ok, WHAT was that with all the crazy Foster emotions you were hitting me with just now?"

Sophie shrugged and averted her eyes to the ground, kicking the floor with the top of her heel. "Nothing." 

"Uh-uh. It wasn't 'nothing'. I seriously thought I was going to tear up right then and there because of all that hurt you were crushing me with." Keefe grabbed her chin and tilted it upwards, taking a tiny step closer. 

Sophie blushed when she realised how close they were standing. "Sorry." Keefe waved her apology away. "Don't be. Are you ok?" Keefe whispered. "And don't even try to lie." Sophie let out a soft breath. She could feel the intensity of his stare and his warm breath on her cheeks. His hand was gripping her chin softly, allowing her to feel the warmth of his hand. "I'm ok. I just ... I don't want to see Fitz for a while." Sophie mumbled. Keefe let out a sigh and nodded, realising his hold on her. "Ok." 

He knew about her crush, but he didn't want that to push him down. He would keep trying to win her, keep fighting. Dreams were achieved with the right kind of mindset and a good heart. 

He hoped she would feel the same way about him one day. 

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