~ Chapter 9 ~

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Writer: Elia <3

The darkness was back. It clung to her, suffocating. 

Why was it so dark? 

Did something bad happen to her? 

Reality crept closer, threatening to break through her world of dreams and perfection. 

If she could make sounds, she would be whimpering. Or groaning. Or making a sound of irritation. 

The sigh she tried to heave didn't make it out. 

She wanted to put off her problems until another day, but she knew that would be selfish. Something's wrong, she knew. Did she want to deal with it? 

Yeah, no. 

Still, she battled the darkness away, pushing her dreams out of her mind with it. 

Warmth seeped through her eyelids, burning bright against her corneas. She tried to blink it away, but they were stuck there, like a memory she couldn't get rid of. 

She was also conscious of the pieces of conversations floating around her. Two voices, boring into her brain as one. She wanted to shut the noise out, but she had known coming back to reality would have its consequences. So she let the noise brush across her mind, trying to make sense of it. 

She tried to get her stubborn, sluggish brain to work, but the words dissipated too fast for her to make sense of them. 

Then they vanished. The hurricanes evaporated, leaving behind only confusion and terror, as she repeated the same, terrifying sentence over, and over, and over again. 

Her stomach dropped, her hands shook as she yanked her eyes open and sat up, not even noticing the stabbing pain of her wounds. 

The boy with silver-blue eyes rushed to her side, and the weird, scientist dude beside him tried to lay her back down, flashing a green orb around her face. 

She didn't know what they were saying, barely able to hear anything over her ragged breathing. The light seemed too happy to exist at that moment, so she waved it away. 

Tears leaked onto her cheeks. She closed her eyes, trying to forget it. But it was on auto-repeat in her brain. 

"She'll never be the same again." 

"She'll never be the same again."

"She'll never be the same again."  

Why was it so dark? 

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