~ Chapter 3 ~

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Tam slumped in his seat, his eyes on the blonde, sleeping, blistered girl he shrouded with shadows. "It'll keep away the pain," Elwin had said. Tam wasn't so sure anymore. She didn't seem to be getting any better. He stood up and tugged his bangs, an unfamiliar feeling coursing through him. 


He feared for Sophie, he feared for his friends, still battling, and he feared for the future of them all. Tam approached Sophie's sleeping figure and caught a soaked cloth, holding it to her forehead. He could hear Elwin mumbling to himself in the other room, trying to create an elixir for her pain. Tam hoped he would get it done soon. "Just fight, Sophie," He whispered, dipping the cloth in water and gently cleaning her face with it. "We're all still here."


Sophie could feel the pain. She only came back around when she felt the soft covers underneath her skin and Tam's soothing voice in her ear, "It's okay, Sophie, you're safe now."

But was she? She couldn't open her eyes; they were glued to her face, stuck with tears and blood. She wanted to cry out, she tried to call, but she was worried no one would hear her. So she stayed where she was, halfway between awake and asleep, between the doors of nightmares and dreams. Sophie could feel shadows brushing against her, but she still couldn't move, fearing it would worry them. 

The pain was almost unbearable, but she forced her way through it. She knew she wasn't alone; Tam was there, and Elwin was most likely there too. But where were her friends? Were they alright? She wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened to them. 

The shadows surrounding her suddenly shifted, but she couldn't open her eyes and see why. Footsteps echoed through the room, and suddenly there was a cold cloth being draped against her forehead, cooling down the blisters and drawing out the pain. The fabric was removed, and Sophie almost cried out in protest, but a soft voice spoke, "Just fight, Sophie." Sophie couldn't quite place the voice, but it sounded familiar. Caring. I'm am, Sophie tried to tell them. But they didn't hear her. The cloth ran down her face, soothing the angry blisters and welts she was covered in. "We're all still here," It said. 

And suddenly, Sophie could speak again. 


Tam jerked in surprise, relief flooding through him

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Tam jerked in surprise, relief flooding through him. He used the cloth to caress her blistered cheek. "Sophie?" 

"Tam?" She spoke again louder. Her voice was raspy, and it seemed to take her a lot of effort to speak, but she wasn't surrendering to the pain.

"Sophie..." He couldn't help it. Tears started to fall, surprising himself and Sophie, who felt the tears landing on her cheek with a splat. 

"Tam? Are you crying?" 

"Uh, no, I-" Tam wiped away the tears before any more could fall. "It was the water." 

Even though she was sick, Tam could still see her sceptical look. "Listen - Sophie -"

Elwin barged into the room. He narrowed his eyes at them, "I thought I heard her talking." 

"Elwin?" Sophie's voice sounded small, tinny. He jumped. "Sophie?" Elwin slipped on his weird spectacles. "I'm coming, Sophie. Where does it hurt?" 

Sophie shuddered. "Everywhere." Elwin bit his lip, and Tam dunked the cloth into the water again, cooling her skin.  

Tam spread out the cloth on Sophie's blistered face, then sat back down, letting Elwin work. "Ok," Elwin pulled out a tub of cream, "I have a solution, but..." He opened the lid, showing the yellow paste inside, "It's not going to be very pleasant." Sophie didn't hesitate, "As long as it makes the pain go away." Elwin nodded sadly and spread the paste across Sophie's pale face. Sophie relaxed, and Elwin continued, applying the paste on her legs and arms. Elwin looked pointedly at Tam, and he left the room, leaving Elwin to treat Sophie's other burns. 

"Whoever did that to you, I'll make them pay," Tam announced to the empty school, standing outside the healing centre. He was filled with determination and anger, and his eyes held the promise of pain. Until, at least, the sound of voices filled the corridors. 

"Do you think she's ok?" 

"I don't know...I haven't seen her yet."

Tam started towards the entrance hall. 

"I hope it won't be as bad as last time when she was all burned and faded."

"Yeah, but last time I was with her, and this time she was alone." 

Tam turned the corner, "It's much worse."

Biana spun around, her dark hair flying. "Tam!"

She rushed towards him, "Is she okay? Is she hurt?" 

Tam wanted to ask her the same question, but he shook his head and said, "It's better if you see for yourself." 

He checked them all for injuries. "So what happened?" 

Keefe rolled his eyes, "Oh, you know, the usual, with the Neverseen running away before any of the real fun happens." He seemed to be in his usual joking mode, but Tam sensed a waver in his smirk. "Good, if not, they'd've gotten beaten up." 

Keefe and Fitz only responded with weak smiles. 

The monster was back, haunting her nightmares and dreams, growing larger as she recalled her pain, taunting her and dragging her down into the abyss of darkness

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The monster was back, haunting her nightmares and dreams, growing larger as she recalled her pain, taunting her and dragging her down into the abyss of darkness. She screamed and yelled, but no one could help her. 

She was alone. 

Nobody loved her. 

Nobody cared about her. 

Everybody hated her.

Everybody kept targeting her. 

Everybody wanted her dead. 

Deep down, she knew the nightmares weren't true. But she couldn't bring herself to care. She couldn't bring herself to remember. 

She felt tears falling down her cheeks, but she didn't want to face her friends. The monster understood. She faced it. It reminded her of all the bad things she had been through, all the times her friends had abandoned her. She never wanted to wake up. She tried to stay asleep forever. 

But a soft blue breeze washed through her head, and she remembered everything her friends had done for her. They came to save her. They were always there. She relaxed, and shadows formed in her mind, but they felt ... friendly. The shadows forced the monster back to the darkness. 

She was safe. 

They were waiting for her. 

Keeper Of The Lost Cities - Sotam, Sophitz, and SokeefeWhere stories live. Discover now