- Chapter 6 -

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Fitz stared at the door. 'To like someone who obviously loves someone else?' But that meant...Sophie liked him? But...She has seemed happy when he said that his crush was Linh. Had she been faking it? And why did Tiergan want to see her? She hadn't been taking any notes. He used to like Sophie, but his heart had changed to Linh. Speaking of...
"Linh. Are you okay with this?"
Linh gave a harsh laugh that seemed most unlike her.
"If Sophie wants to play like this, then let her. Let them."
"Are you sure? Her life has been hard enough, do you think we are just making it harder?"
"No. I don't like her anyway." Linh spat.
Fitz's eyes widened. "So, just because you don't like her, does that mean you're going to hurt her?"
Fitz blinked, looking down at Linh. "You're not the girl I want to be with." He said, before turning around and walking out the door. Linh growled and set off to find Sophie alone.

Sophie hurled through the halls and collapsed on a corner, calling the shadows to conceal her. Biana rushed past, calling her name. Then came Tam, followed by Keefe. Sophie's eyes widened. Tam. He was a Shade. Sophie vanished and pushed the shadows back to their original form. Tam narrowed his eyes in her direction, but he didn't turn around. After a minute, Sophie faded into view, her head in her knees, sobbing so hard it was silent except for small sniffles. Fitz walked past, furious with himself, and did a double take when he looked at the sobbing Sophie. Guilt formed at the bottom of his stomach. This was all his fault. "Sophie?" He whispered, kneeling beside her.
She looked up, but when she saw who it was, tried to edge away. But Fitz wrapped an arm around her. "I'm so sorry. I've dumped Linh, because she what she said was just cruel."
Sophie looked at him. "Trust me, we can't be together because 'we aren't Cognates,' as you say." She twisted the Cognate ring off her finger. "And you can give this to your new Cognate. Once a connection is broken, it can't be put back together." She took his hand and placed the ring inside it. "Just go to Linh. I'm not worthy enough." She said, quietly. Then she stood up. "I'm sorry you never trusted me." She said. But Fitz wasn't going to let it end like this. He loved Sophie, and he wanted her to know it. Fitz grabbed her arm and stood up, spinning her around so she faced him. "No, Sophie." Then he closed the distance between them and pressed his lips onto hers. It was blissful. Every feeling had vanished. It was just the two of them. Sophie withdrew a little, and Fitz was afraid she would pull back, but she deepened the kiss, just as enthusiastic. It felt to short when they pulled apart. They both smiled at each other. A true genuine smile. It feels good to finally have what you've always wanted.

Linh watched, amused, when Fitz comforted Sophie. Soon, he would be all hers. But her amusement turned into anger when he pulled her into a kiss. That should be her. Linh turned on her heel and faced the elixirs on the counter. Beautifying ones. She drank the first one. Her hair grew longer and slightly wavy and shiny, down to her hips. She drank the second one. She turned curvier. She drank the third one. Her lashes grew darker and longer, her skin was flawless, and her lips and cheeks grew rosy. Since school was over, she changed into a glistening black and white dress that flowed around her with a deep V-neck. S he gathered the empty bottles and stored them in a sparkle black purse. The door was silent as she opened it, and she tiptoed past Sophie and Fitz, down the hallway. When she reached the corner, she started back down the hallway gracefully, her hips swing and biting her lip in an attractive way. She pretended to rummage around in her purse, her footsteps light, but enough for them to know that she was there. Both of their heads turned towards her, and she heard Fitz draw in a small gasp. She looked up, feigning surprise. "Oh, hello, I didn't realize you were there! Come on Fitz, we should do some Cognate exercises. And Sophie, could I just talk to you for a moment in here?" She gestured to the nearest classroom. "I-er-No." Sophie said firmly. "I just want to apologize!" Said Linh.
"If you want to apologize, you can do it here."
Linh sighed.
"Alright! Listen, Sophie, I'm really sorry. I didn't realize you would be mad that Fitz and I wanted to be Cognates."
When she said this she also transmitted, under a suspicious amount of strain, You'd better stay away from Fitz or I swear I will crush you.

Sophie nodded, looking a little frightened. Linh felt satisfied. She beckoned Fitz to follow her and she swing her hips still more as she walked towards the lawn. Oh, this was going to be fun.

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