Chapter twenty

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"Look- Yes, I understand what I'm asking." America huffed as he paced around on his phone. "-Well what about the third brother? Well, I don't know his name. Can't he come if that's such a big issue?" The voice on the other side replied and he rolled his eyes in response. "It can't be him- Yes... okay... Thank you." America gave out yet another huff of annoyance and hung up his cellphone.

What a headache.

Hopefully, this other phone call will be a lot easier. He put his, now warm, cellphone back to his ear and listened as it rang. After the third ring, he finally got an answer. "Hey, Finland!... No, there's no danger, I just have a question.... Can I borrow Sealand and Ladonia for the weekend?"

The month past with no incident for Italy. (Okay one incident that involved a guard knocking Italy's food on the ground, but aside from that nothing.) Once home after his punishment, the first thing he did was sleep in his own bed. He missed his bed so much. Nothing much really happened after that. Another whole month passed by this point October now the summit was just around the corner and something amazing happened to Italy.

He, with the help of Romano and Seborga, put his paperwork into the computer.

"Good you're almost caught up, you just need to finish up your treasury forms and you should be all done. Congrats, you did a whole year of work within four months." Romano chuckled as he patted Italy on the shoulder. Italy turned in his chair with a happy.

"Ve~ Yay!" Italy then lazily spun around in his chair. "Now what?" He asked after a few seconds of just turning.

"Now-" Romano stopped his chair from spinning. (Almost making Italy fall out of it with the sudden stop) "You get back to doing your regular work."

"Ah, yeah, I guess that would be best." Italy instantly went for the paperwork on his desk. It had been piling up from him focusing on last year's work. "It's a lot."

"Bah, it's not too much-" Romano was cut off by his cell phone ringing. His phone was on the desk so when Italy saw it was the President calling he and Romano shared a look with each other before Romano answered, he was nice enough to put it on speaker.

"Ciao." Romano and Italy greeted at the same time to the President. Seborga didn't greet the president.

" Ciao." Came the President's, blunt, reply. "Look, I know it's your day off and all but I have an emergency on my hands, I need all three of you in."

"All three of us?" Seborga asked suddenly, kind of reminding the other two that he was in there as well.

"Yes, all three of you, already got a driver coming your way."

Italy just couldn't help himself "If you want us to be there faster I could driv-"

"No." All three of them replied to Italy at the same time.

"Worth a shot." Italy shrugged.

With that Romano said a quick goodbye to the president and hung up. "I wonder what the emergency could be," Romano asked once the line went dead. "What did you do?" He questioned Italy.

"Nothing that I'm aware of!"

Still, Romano frowned but didn't bring it back up. A few moments of silence between the three brothers before Seborga broke it with some small talk towards Italy. In which Italy replied. Soon it was just the three of them making small talk with each other until the driver eventually arrived.

They all quickly went outside and to the car where they all piled in the back. Romano in the middle as he was the shortest of the group. "Bullshit..." He grumbled while crossing his arms over his chest.

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